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"And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." - John 8:32
WEBCommentary Guest
Author:  Jerry De Angelis
Bio: Jerry De Angelis
Date:  May 13, 2009
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The America's Journal- Caracas

The recent 69th America’s Health Care Conference in Caracas celebrated the 100th Anniversary of the implementation of nationalized health care delivery services. Among the 10,000 attendees were members of each country’s National Healing Services (NDS).

Date line…April 30, 2111…The Americas Journal Filed from: Caracas – The Americas

The recent 69th America’s Health Care Conference in Caracas celebrated the 100th Anniversary of the implementation of nationalized health care delivery services. Among the 10,000 attendees were members of each country’s National Healing Services (NDS). This is the arm of the global government that determines who will receive care, and how that cares is to be delivered, if it is to be delivered at all. {Conversation heard in the bars between sessions was that the latter option was heavily favored by most.}

It is important to note here that all Medical professionals were banned from the conference. Since National Healing Services, known in the former United States of America as Socialized Medicine, was introduced, the government has aggressively fought to remove all special interest influence on health care law and regulation. Some may remember the sorry days when health care professionals had some influence over how medicine was to be practiced. That issue was resolved in 2076 when all medical professionals were banned from providing care unless they subscribed to the National Healing Services care delivery system. It was further decided that since they were seemingly incapable of separating patient welfare from fiscal responsibility, they were of no significant value in any discussions about medicine.

What has 100 years of National Healing Services accomplished? It would be impossible to recount all the 100 panel discussions that covered topics as varied as:

Blocking usage of drugs or medical procedures that the bureaucrats deemed too expensive

Proposals restricting the Scope of Care (SOC) to clinical intervention effectiveness, in favor of cost effectiveness.

Increasing the wait time for those waiting to see a health care specialist, forcing some to pass away while waiting.

More effective ways to tell patients that their illness is untreatable due to their age, or some other government determined metric.

Increasing The Americas taxpayers taxes to finance health care for the growing population.

Dealing with the annual $16-$20 Trillion National Health Care costs.

Developing a plan to completely & finally eliminate private medical insurance companies.

To this reporter, the most interesting general session was the analysis of the benefits of National Healing Services. For instance, an interesting, and unexpected, benefit of restricting health care to those either too sick, or too old to qualify, was the savings in Social Security and Medicare. Billions of dollars have been saved since the decision was made to restrict care to those either too sick or too old, who would minimally benefit from care. The Reason given: They died from their illnesses, and were removed from the Welfare Rolls. A simple and brilliant solution to a sticky problem!

Another interesting phenomenon described in at least three panel discussions was the decrease in the average age of The Americas population. The average age of this population now stands at 58. The reason for this is ascribed to the death of so many seniors in all countries once health care was limited to the healthy. In the hinterlands of the now defunct United States, especially in the conservative mid-west, that age, mysteriously, is 62. It has been posited that these citizens have not abided by the National Healing Service directives vis-ŕ-vis limiting health care. A team led by Dr. Adolf Mengele, a descendent of Dr. Mengele of Germany fame in the 1940’s, has suggested remedies for this which include, among others, a civilian volunteer force that is dedicated to identifying these areas, and reporting them to the CDC – the Creative Disease Center. Details of their findings will soon be published in the Journal of The Americas National Medical Association.

Finally, good news on anticipated increases in life expectancy was announced. Data released to date point to abortion as an issue to be addressed here. To wit: mandatory abortions – 75-85 million/annum now – drag down life expectancy statistics. Researchers at CDC have suggested simply eliminating abortions as a data point in the life expectancy calculation. The reason given is that abortions are now such a normal part of life in The Americas that including them in the data would skew the data in statistically meaningful ways. That would not be in keeping with National Healing Services policy. If all fetuses are destroyed, as mandated by the Abortion Control Authority (ACA), there is no reason to include them in life expectancy data, as no one expects them to live anyway. Additionally, the new approach to terminating life when saving it is too expensive decreases life expectancy.

A great deal of discussion addressed the reconciliation of these two phenomenon – killing babies and the elderly - and the burden placed on government agencies as they try to balance life and death in the most cost effective manner, while somehow reporting increased life expectancy. The sticking point in all of these discussions is that a reasonable life expectancy has not been determined. From what this reporter could gather, the current life expectancy target is 65 for males, females and others. This is the age when citizens become eligible for Social Security, Nationalized Healing Services, and more. The new target will save trillions of dollars, since no one will actually live to retire given that elderly health care needs are ignored. Consequently, savings in Social Security, Medicare and other National Healing Services programs will increase. This is important given that The Americas indebtedness from health care costs alone is now approaching 56 Trillion dollars each 10 years. The vexing situation is that there is no one left to tax. This will be the subject of King Obama III’s annual State of the World Address in January.

Filed April 30th, 2111

The America's Journal

Jerry De Angelis (Author)

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Biography - Jerry De Angelis


B.S. Degree: Southern Connecticut State University, New Haven, Connecticut - MAGNA CUM LAUDA
Ph.D. Degree: Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa,National Institute of Health Fellow: Major,


Winemaker & Co-Owner - De Angelis Wines.

Responsible for winemaking, marketing, and organization along with my partner - my wife.

Winemaker and General Manager

The Crush @ Paso Robles, Paso Robles, CA. Responsible for overall design of winery, winemaking budgets, planning and overall organization.

Senior Winemaker Salisbury Vineyards

I was responsible for all winemaking activities. This included developing the winery sites, identifying and purchasing all supplies and equipment, as well as assistance in all financial and budgetary aspects of the winery.

Viticulturist and Winemaker - La Fattoria De Angelis

Planted the vineyard in 1999 and have maintained it ever since. The first wine from the vineyard was produced in 2002.

Health Care Delivery Services, Inc. (HCDS) San Luis Obispo, California

President, Chief Executive Officer, Chairman of the Board

As chief executive, I was responsible for all corporate activities, policies and procedures relative to total administration of this health care corporation.

Other positions held in my career include:

University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA), Westwood, California

Project Director - UCLA Drug Treatment Project - Faculty Member
Department of Psychiatry - Neuropsychiatric Institute

The White House: Executive Office of the President,Washington, D.C.

The White Special Action Office for Drug Abuse Prevention (SAODAP)

Associate Director, Technical Assistance then Director of Manpower Development

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