The road to Islamic Fundamentalism is being paved by cowardice and betrayal. We also understand that England, among other European countries, has too many Muslims to be brave, or to act as Mr. Churchill would have acted. God some country stands up to Muslims to say, "We must allow Israel to land in England. We do this to promote Democracy in not only that country, but in other Mid-East Countries. If that upsets you and the appeasers in Europe and the United Nations (UN),so be it."
To: Margaret Becket - Environmental Minister (England)
From: Speriamo Blog- The United States of America
Re: Refusal to Allow Israeli Planes to Land In England if Carrying Weapons
Date: Monday 04 September 2006
Dear Minister Becket:
We want to thank you for your efforts to foster Terrorism and death in the Middle East. In a single swoop you (and your erstwhile colleagues in Spain, Portugal, Germany and Italy) have struck a blow for Hezbollah, Iran and Syria, and have joined them in their efforts to destroy Israel. It isclear that anti-Semitism is doing very well in England, as well as in other European countries.
The road to Islamic Fundamentalism is being paved in these countries by cowardice and betrayal. We also understand that England has too many Muslims to be brave, or to act as Mr. Churchillwould have acted. God forbid that you stand up to Muslims in your country and say, "We must allow Israel to land in England. We do this to promote Democracy in not only that country, but in other Mid-East Countries. If that upsets you and the appeasers in Europe and the United Nations (UN),so be it." Unfortunately, we cannot imagine England having this kind of courage at this time.
You, Madame, are nothing more than a representative of Kofi Annan, the ultimate appeaser, and the embodiment of the new Nazism that lies at the root of all UN actions relative to Israel. How do you sleep at night? How do you hold your head up? How can you call yourself a Minister of a freenation? You are not. By your actions, England has become an extension of other frightened European countries - lost, cowardly countries, whose days as a Democratic countries are certainly numbered unless you begin to realize what is at stake.
Why not stand up, become a beacon to the free world, and admit that you were in error, and now would welcome Israel, and allow them to land planes carrying much needed arms into your country? We certainly understand that safety precautions need to be in place in order for refueling to occur safely, but that is a formality, and can be done rapidly and well. While we do not know if youare old enough to remember Franklin Roosevelt's courage in offering "Lend Lease" to England at the outset of World War II, we do know that without it England may well be speaking German today. Additionally instead of having kind and courteous police offering assistance to people in need,you would have jackbooted thugs responsible for ethnic cleansing, and more.
In case you wonder, we at Speriamo are not Israeli, nor are we Jewish. We are Americans who love Freedom, and hate injustice. We realize that today America often stands alone in the battle against terror, in spite of lip service to the contrary on the part of other countries. Please rememberthat when the next world conflict comes, and it will, England will once again need assistance from other free countries - if there are any left!
Very Truly Yours,
cc: Portugal, Spain, Germany, Italy
NOTE: This Commentary was developed after reading the original stories in The Jerusalem Post, and on The articles were published in these source during the first week of September, 2006.
B.S. Degree: Southern Connecticut State University, New Haven, Connecticut - MAGNA CUM LAUDA Ph.D. Degree: Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa,National Institute of Health Fellow: Major,
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