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"And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." - John 8:32
WEBCommentary Contributor
Author:  Frederick Meekins
Bio: Frederick Meekins
Date:  September 16, 2024
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One Man's Overly Groomed Beard Is Another Man's Sasquatch Pelt

In an analysis of the teachings of the late Dr. Michael Heiser on an episode of the Doreen Virtue podcast, it was remarked how that scholar's theological speculations are invoked to justify interest in paranormal esoterica such as bigfoot, extraterrestrials, and Nephilim.

Of those interested in such phenomena, it was insinuated that Jesus is somehow not enough.

But isn't part of the issue that Christians are often indoctrinated that everything must be so explicitly Jesus-focused that they feel compelled to wrap these topics too tightly in a Jesus veneer in order not be totally ostracized by their brethren more grounded in the mundanites of every day existence?

As part of his branding, Dr. Jordan Cooper, was interviewed as part of the discussin, has made classic fashion and traditionalist manners (what item to eat with what kind of fork sort of thing) part of his public persona.

Should he be similarly scrutinized as to why emphasis upon Christ alone is not enough for him to be known by?

By Frederick Meekins

Frederick Meekins
Issachar Bible Church & Apologetics Research Institute

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Biography - Frederick Meekins

Frederick Meekins is an independent theologian and social critic. Frederick holds a BS in Political Science/History, a MA in Apologetics/Christian Philosophy from Trinity Theological Seminary, and a PhD. in Christian Apologetics from Newburgh Theological Seminary.

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