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"And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." - John 8:32
WEBCommentary Contributor
Author:  Nicholas Stix
Bio: Nicholas Stix
Date:  January 23, 2021
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Fox News: Lachlan Murdoch Fires Never-Trumper Chris Stirewalt, and No White Men Need Apply at New Digital Leadership Team; Otherwise, News about cable news Network is Unintelligible

Big changes are underway at Fox News… or maybe not. “Things” have been published in recent days about the cable news network which are unintelligible and, in one case, illiterate. This is not an isolated issue.

One rare clear statement from an otherwise unintelligible “thing” at the leftwing hollywood reporter follows:

“The company is expected to introduce a new digital leadership team in the coming weeks, one that will be inclusive and predominantly led by women.”

From that statement, if true, I will make the following prediction: In a couple of years, expect a wave of sexual harassment lawsuits from its new digital team members. With “inclusive” functioning as a code for affirmative action hiring, one may also expect lawsuits asserting discrimination against blacks, Hispanics, and so-called transgenders.

Unlike the neo-conservative founder of parent company Newscorp, Rupert Murdoch, son-in-chief Lachlan Murdoch is a liberal, and thus a fool, where personnel politics are concerned.

A few years ago, when female Fox staff joined up with Democrat shakedown lawyers like Lisa Bloom, and bombarded the then cable news giant with sexual discrimination lawsuits, Rupert advised Lachlan to fight them vigorously, or face secondary and tertiary shark attacks, as more legal sharks smelled blood in the water. Lachlan ignored his father’s advice, and settled for millions, and thus got bombarded with more lawsuits.

Lachlan, who has learned nothing and forgotten nothing, apparently seeks to get sued out of existence by a team that he has not even introduced yet.

That “inclusive,” feminist team will provide a dwindling Fox audience with DNC and Never-Trumper talking points.

Fox’ status as cable news giant is currently imperiled, if not lost. The network’s previous powerhouse ratings, number one in cable news for years—nosedived after Election Day, as President Trump and millions of his supporters blamed the network for prematurely calling Arizona for Vice President Joe Biden, and deserted Fox. CNN took over the number one slot, followed by MSNBC, with Fox a distant third.

Murdoch just let go Never-Trumper Chris Stirewalt, who had been politics editor and had been with the cable network for ten years.

After the Big Steal, like millions of other patriots, I turned on Tucker Carlson Tonight, hoping to see some hard-hitting journalism exposing the biggest voter fraud conspiracy in American history. Instead, on November 13, we were treated to a Bizarro World parallel universe presentation by Carlson and the usually trenchant Mark Steyn, on what a wonderful country America is, with great food and kind, helpful people.

“If you get lost, people will help you.”

Not where I live! [“Tucker Carlson, Blink If You’ve been Kidnapped! Fox News Suits are Not Permitting Carlson to Cover the Theft of the Election/Country; Instead, They Have Him Singing Hosannas to How ‘Nice’ Americans are,” Nicholas Stix, Uncensored, November 14, 2020.]

Who had the sort of power that he could order Carlson and his favorite frequent guest to act like prisoners of war reading prepared speeches written by their Communist captors? Only Lachlan Murdoch.

I stopped watching Carlson, and switched to Sean Hannity, who covered The Steal, and whose excellent research staff had not been ruined by Woke attacks, such as the one which Murdoch had used as a pretext to fire Carlson’s top writer, Blake Neff, last July.

An unsigned, illiterate “thing” at the Trumpist Webzine Red Right Daily tells us,

“Fox News is currently in third place as of last week and they are laughably getting their clocked cleaned by CNN. 2.5 million. During 2020, up until election night Fox News was having a record year drawing in 3.5 million viewers in primetime during the second quarter of 2020 and 3.2 million in the third.

“It appeared that Fox News had committed the unforgivable sin of turning on their audience that just decided to stop watching the network. Even, primetime ratings king Tucker Carlson was being beaten by CNN for a couple of weeks.” [“Fox News Cleans House Of Those Responsible For Election Night Debacle,” Red Right Daily, January 21, 2021.]

The Red Right Daily “thing” purported to be based on a contradictory hollywood reporter “thing,” which had announced the firing of Stirewalt, but which had not said anything about ratings having played a role in the cashiering of the Never-Trumper, and which explained in its lede that the downsizing was simply a consequence of the end of the election campaign.

“The company had added to its workforce to help with its coverage of the 2020 election, and with the election over the company is adjusting its staffing to account for the less intense news cycle.” [“Layoffs Hit Fox News Digital Amid Restructuring,” by Alex Weprin, hollywood reporter, January 19, 2021.]

Red Right Daily made a claim that was then immediately contradicted by the hollywood reporter passage it cited in support of it.

“The Hollywood Reporter wrote that Fox had to make a change and purged those responsible:

‘Fox News Digital is laying off staff, as a continuation of restructuring plans the company first announced last fall. The new cuts also reflect a news cycle that may be less intense in the aftermath of the election, and with Joe Biden set to take office tomorrow. […] Among those let go Tuesday was Chris Stirewalt, the politics editor for Fox News. A 10-year veteran of the company, Stirewalt was also a key member of the Fox News decision desk, which drew the ire of President Trump after becoming the first network to call Arizona for Biden.’”

It has become increasingly difficult to read and analyze the news media. There is less and less factual information, even in allegedly hard news stories, and more and more editorializing (e.g., expressing the writers’ hatred for President Trump, by calling him a liar in their ledes, as if they were reporting facts). The msm employ the classic propaganda method of lying by omission and commission, and sow confusion by combining the lies with a lack of basic information. As someone quipped a few years ago, in mocking Ilhan Omar’s diminishment of 9/11 as, “some people did something,” crime reports increasingly have the worthless form of “somebody did something to someone,” but without answering the fundamental journalistic questions of “Who?,” “What?,” “Where?,” “When?” and “How?”

When patriotic Whites complain about the media’s refusal to do their jobs, the media wage war on them, declaring them “racists,” “xenophobes,” “transphobes,” etc., and dox them. And when the Whites try to connect the dots with their own hypotheses, the msm condemn them as “conspiracy theorists.” That is a phrase with no cognitive content, which functions as a political signifier, identifying its user as a Democrat, and which was popularized by Democrat history professor Richard Hofstadter as a rhetorical bludgeon in the run-up to the 1964 presidential election.

The msm are driven not to research and report the news, but to express their hatred for America and the White race, and show their support for the White Genocide Project.

Is it any wonder that White American patriots hate the news media?

Nicholas Stix
Nicholas Stix, Uncensored

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Biography - Nicholas Stix

Award-winning, New York-based freelancer Nicholas Stix founded A Different Drummer magazine (1989-93). Stix has written for Die Suedwest Presse, New York Daily News, New York Post, Newsday, Middle American News, Toogood Reports, Insight, Chronicles, the American Enterprise, Campus Reports, VDARE, the Weekly Standard, Front Page Magazine, Ideas on Liberty, National Review Online and the Illinois Leader. His column also appears at Men's News Daily, MichNews, Intellectual Conservative, Enter Stage Right and OpinioNet. Stix has studied at colleges and universities on two continents, and earned a couple of sheepskins, but he asks that the reader not hold that against him. His day jobs have included washing pots, building Daimler-Benzes on the assembly-line, tackling shoplifters and teaching college, but his favorite job was changing his son's diapers.

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