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"And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." - John 8:32
WEBCommentary Guest
Author:  Sher Zieve
Bio: Sher Zieve
Date:  September 16, 2019
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There is nothing the Democrats won’t do in order to win in 2020

The Democrats have firmly drawn their lines in the sand and thrown down their gauntlet against our country. They will do anything and everything—no matter how abhorrent to humanity—to win elections in 2020.

President Trump will never stop being under fire from the Democrats planning to impeach him, no matter how many painstaking reports show—and prove—he is not guilty of anything they have claimed…let alone any “high crimes and misdemeanors.” Democrat Rep. and Chairman of the House Judiciary committee Jerold Nadler has announced the beginnings of a Democrat impeachment investigation(fully supported by the House Democrats), despite the now-infamous Mueller Report that found nothing impeachable in any of President Trump’s words or actions. Unfortunately, this is not the end of their chicanery and attempts to bring down the USA as we have known it.

Now, these same Democrats have decided to reopen an investigation against the now seated US Supreme Court Associate Justice Brett Kavanaugh over one of the seamy and patently fake stories that was floated by Democrats during the good judge’s confirmation hearings. All of the vicious stories about Kavanaugh were found to be false. Yet, the media immediately jumped on this rehash of a proven-false story about Justice Kavanaugh. Even the New York Times (once a real news source) jumped on it and then, uncharacteristically, had to rescind its story with: “The Times' revision says: "Editors' Note: An earlier version of this article, which was adapted from a forthcoming book, did not include one element of the book's account regarding an assertion by a Yale classmate that friends of Brett Kavanaugh pushed his penis into the hand of a female student at a drunken dorm party. The book reports that the female student declined to be interviewed and friends say that she does not recall the incident. That information has been added to the article." We must note that the “does not recall” is Dem-speech for “it never happened and was a fake story from the beginning.” Yet, now the Democrat-controlled House of Representatives is, again, going after Justice Kavanaugh and now plans to impeach him for something that never occurred and believing the book’s author (who was a Clinton lawyer) instead of his purported “victim” who says it didn’t happen!

Holy Smokes! Have we devolved so completely as a society and a country that we’re now allowing on false story after another to replace the truth? Do we seriously want these liars in office? Will we vote them out in 2020? We’d better hope so…or we will finally and inextricably be done as a county.

Watching my country—the country in which my family has fought to preserve and to keep since its inception—being destroyed by its own elected lawmakers is both horrific and pitiful. This duplicity must end.

“Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right”—George Orwell 1984

“You shall not pervert justice. You shall not show partiality, and you shall not accept a bribe, for a bribe blinds the eyes of the wise and subverts the cause of the righteous”—Deuteronomy 16: 19

New (?) Brett Kavanaugh sexual misconduct accusation sets off calls for Supreme Court impeachment: (?): I believe this came up during the confirmation hearings and was quickly dismissed

NYT updates Kavanaugh 'bombshell' to note accuser doesn't recall alleged assault:

Sher Zieve

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Biography - Sher Zieve

Sher Zieve is a long-time syndicated columnist who generally writes columns of a politically Conservative and Constitutional nature. She also interviews notable people with an interesting and/or newsworthy story to tell. These include politicians, writers, activists and others in the news. Her work has been and continues to be carried by both national and international publications. Sher appears regularly on national talk shows.

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