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"And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." - John 8:32
WEBCommentary Guest
Author:  Sher Zieve
Bio: Sher Zieve
Date:  March 25, 2016
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Is Ted Cruz Responsible for Anything he does?

First, let me say that I was a Ted Cruz supporter for a long time. Despite a few nagging doubts, I believed he was a true Conservative who was shaking his fist to power. I loved his standing in a filibuster and reading one of his children's books. What a show of courage! But, alas, it was not courage but, it was still quite a show.. That was before he dropped his mask and began his real campaign of “I'll do and say anything to win.” The ruse was his standing up to power...the reality was gaining it.

The first time I remember Senator Cruz beginning the “It's not my fault” portion of his campaign, was just before the Iowa Caucuses when his operatives sent mass emails to alert Ben Carson supporters that Carson had announced he was dropping out of the campaign for POTUS and asking them to give their vote to Sen. Cruz. This was, ostensibly, based upon a speculative report from CNN that Carson might have been dropping out of the campaign as he had announced he was 'going home to get a few things'. The Cruz campaign did not bother to check with CNN on the story—which CNN said was incorrect shortly after it aired—and, instead, continued with their campaign to obtain Carson's voters. When confronted with the truth, Sen. Cruz said he would “have to look into it” and went about his way. At a subsequent debate, he apologized to Carson. Too, late for Iowa, though.

The second time, Cruz exhibited his “not my fault” was against Marco Rubio when his campaign said Rubio was dropping out and sent mass emailers to Rubio supporters to elicit votes for Cruz. Cruz said he knew nothing about it and chalked it up to a “rogue” campaign group in Hawaii.

The third time Cruz's group conducted dirty tricks was—again--against Rubio. This time, it was a Photoshopped picture in which Rubio's head was superimposed on another man's body shaking Obama's hand. With reference to the TPP, the caption read “The Rubio-Obama Trade Pact.” Cruz, again, said he had no information on it and moved onto something else. This one, however, finally forced Cruz to fire his top advisor.

Getting the picture?

The next item pertains to how Cruz says he views Trump supporters. He indicated they (we) are likely Troglodytes when (summoning the words and image of his mentor, tireless campaigner and--likely--unpaid campaign manager Rush Limbaugh) he said of us “Donald does well with voters who have relatively low information, who are not that engaged and who are angry, and they see him as an angry voice.”

I can't speak for the rest of you but, I consider myself an extremely high-information voter.

And, now we have the Trump wife v. Cruz wife debacle. Cruz started it with the Super-PAC photo of Melania when she was a super-model, which he claims has nothing to do with his campaign. However, it was in Utah and his new BFF Mitt Romney said he will help Cruz in any and every way he can in order to defeat the new enemy of the Luciferian Left...Donald J. Trump.

Cruz is said to be—most notably by Mark Levin—“he’s one of the smartest candidates ever. And he knows how to run and he knows how to speak...” If he's that intelligent, how can Cruz not know what's going on around him? And, if he's truly pious, how can he justify it when he continues to lie and issue false witness about others? Cruz, also, seems to have learned a few things from Obama...for example, how not to be responsible for anything he does or says.

Dirty tricks are played in many campaign. But during this one—on the Republican side—there's only one candidate who has done so...Sen. Ted Cruz.

Trump may be brash but, the reason his supporters are so adamantly for him is that he tells the truth! His business associates (including Carl Icahn) say of him that his word is his bond and Trump “is honest and sincere.” Those are traits sorely lacking in our politicians today and what many of us have been starved for...for a very long time and likely since the days of Ronald Reagan.

Cruz was never what he purported to be. More's the pity. His support by the deeply entrenched “establishment” players should tell us that.

“A double minded man is unstable in all his ways”--James 1:8

'Ben, I'm sorry': Ted Cruz apologizes to Ben Carson on the debate stage

Rubio Campaign Slams Ted Cruz For Spreading ‘False Rumors’ He Might Drop Out

Cruz Campaign Pushes Photoshopped Image of Rubio Shaking Hands with Obama

Cruz: Trump supporters are 'low-information' voters

Carl Icahn: Trump can save America

Sher Zieve

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Biography - Sher Zieve

Sher Zieve is a long-time syndicated columnist who generally writes columns of a politically Conservative and Constitutional nature. She also interviews notable people with an interesting and/or newsworthy story to tell. These include politicians, writers, activists and others in the news. Her work has been and continues to be carried by both national and international publications. Sher appears regularly on national talk shows.

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