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"And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." - John 8:32
WEBCommentary Guest
Author:  Sher Zieve
Bio: Sher Zieve
Date:  June 4, 2007
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Another American Muslim Expresses Displeasure with USA

Russell Defreitas is a naturalized US citizen from Guyana. Defreitas is also a retired JFK cargo handler. After Defreitas had grabbed and enjoyed what the USA had to offer, by providing him the opportunity to create a life that he would not have had in his once home country, he decided to try to blow it up—or at least a portion of it. Along with 3 of his colleagues, Defreitas apparently decided that it was time destroy his former workplace and those who continue to be employed at JFK International Airport. The plot’s formation was planned in order to blow up the fuel pipeline between New Jersey and JFK Airport, the airport fuel tanks that service the airlines and JFK’s buildings. According to one of the quoted terrorist plotters, it was a disaster that was designed to “cause greater destruction than in the September 11 attacks!” Thousands would have been killed. The airport and portions of nearby Queens would have been destroyed. Oh—did I mention that all of these plotters and would-be destroyers were Muslims?

Over the weekend, the world was reminded—again—that the way in which Muslims and the Islamic world express dissatisfaction with just about anything and everything is to smash and/or kill it. When Muslims were offended by cartoons about their prophet Muhammad, they burned down portions of cities in several countries—including France, Germany and Belgium. When Muslims are advised that they may not make threatening statements or engage in provocative behaviors while on commercial airplane flights, CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations) sues the airline and the passengers who report the incidents. When threatened by pork, American-Somali Muslims threaten lawsuits against those who had the temerity to display the offending food product. Now, 4 Muslims—and at least one a US citizen—from Guyana and Trinidad have declared war on the United States. This comes on the heels of the Pew Poll results that showed 26% of American Muslims between the ages of 18 and 29 believe homicide bombings in the US are “okay.” This is what they are being raised to believe. In the US, whenever those of “Muslim persuasion” even hint that they are upset by something—or anything at all—they are accommodated by the PC-appeaser crowd. Muslim foot washing basins and prayer rooms have been installed in airports and schools—paid for by public tax dollars. Increasingly, Muslims are being placed above non-Muslims—to the point of overt discrimination in favor of Muslims and against all other religions. And, this patently biased behavior is being allowed and even applauded. So, is it any wonder that Muslim-youths are being raised to accept and then demand their perceived innate superior-to-all-others inheritance? Our “leaders” own conciliatory attitudes toward and for Muslims only feeds into this growing belief.

Although the United States Constitution prohibits establishing a state-religion, it would appear that Islam-Muslimism is on its way toward becoming just that. Ever more blatantly, Christians are being vilified and illegally discriminated against while Muslims are exalted and placed above, if not outside of, US law. In other words, the fear of Islamic reprisals—if Muslims are told to ascribe to certain human rules of behavior—is greater than adhering to any pesky legality. Fear now trumps all common and other senses. We see this at the US-Mexico border region—which has turned into a war zone. Officials in Mexican border towns are regularly beheaded by members of drug cartels. Still, our elected officials have opted to ignore—with the exception of disingenuous lip service—securing our own border. This same weakness of purpose is also creating dire results for our country—worldwide.

Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad now freely—and recently with more and more conviction—threatens the survival of Israel and the USA. No country has the will to do anything, whatsoever, about Iran’s nuclear weapons’ development. Iran is now threatening Israel with potential nuclear holocaust—and Ahmadinejad says it will be soon.

Joining the chorus of “let’s-attack-the-USA-because-we-can-see-its-soft-underbelly” is Russian President Vladimir Putin. Ratcheting up his warlike rhetoric, Putin says that the US and Europe do not have the right to protect themselves from hostile rogue nations—especially if it’s Russia. Coming out forcefully against the strategic missile shield system, in no uncertain terms Putin warned the US and Europe: “If a new missile-defense system is deployed in Europe, then we need to warn you today that we will come with a response! We have to ensure our security, and we are not the initiators of this process.”

Due to the weakness of the USA in increasing its appeasement philosophy, as expressed by the new Democrat-run US Congress, it appears that our ‘goose may already be cooked’.

We have not appeared to learn that appeasement means weakness. We have not learned that it makes no difference why “they hate us” when they are actively working to destroy us. And we have not learned that you cannot negotiate with those who have vowed to destroy you, your country and all of your family members. It is, simply, not possible. But, still we do nothing as Communism and its totalitarian and suppressive ideology grows to the south of us in Venezuela, countries that see our rising lack of resolve feel free to increasingly threaten us with annihilation and we continue to placate the enemies within our shores. Is this any way to run a country that plans to be on the planet much longer? Absolutely not. But, it is the way to end it.

Sher Zieve

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Biography - Sher Zieve

Sher Zieve is a long-time syndicated columnist who generally writes columns of a politically Conservative and Constitutional nature. She also interviews notable people with an interesting and/or newsworthy story to tell. These include politicians, writers, activists and others in the news. Her work has been and continues to be carried by both national and international publications. Sher appears regularly on national talk shows.

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Copyright © 2007 by Sher Zieve
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