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"And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." - John 8:32
WEBCommentary Guest
Author:  Sher Zieve
Bio: Sher Zieve
Date:  May 7, 2007
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Democrats Cold-shoulder Colombian President

In a new show of force against yet another pro-democratic government, US Democrat leaders snubbed Colombian President Alvaro Uribe. Still gushing from her meeting with terrorist leader and Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, initially the Democrat Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi had refused to meet with Uribe—at all. An aide to Pelosi is quoted as having said: “She has third parties who have encouraged her not to take the meeting. We’ve never seen anything like it. It’s not like we’re talking about some family from San Francisco who stopped by her office unannounced. This is the president of a country!” Note: The third parties are said to be and labor organizations. Uribe is also said to have received an extremely “cool reception” from Democrats, as he sought to receive approval for a free trade agreement between Columbia and the United States.

Earlier, Ms. Pelosi also refused to meet with US coalition leader in Iraq Lt. General David Petraeus. Democrats don’t like anyone who is working toward protecting the USA from its enemies either. But, back to Uribe. Of note is that President Uribe has worked tirelessly and risked his own life to fight the narco-terrorist drug cartels within his own country. In order to fight these terrorists within Columbia, specially trained military task forces are said to have been employed. According to the Miami Herald, Pelosi finally agreed to meet with President Uribe last Tuesday. After the meeting and completely disregarding the free-trade agreement, Pelosi issued her written statement: “Many of us [Democrats] expressed our growing concerns about the serious allegations of connections between illegal paramilitary forces and a number of high-ranking Colombian officials.” It appears that the Democrats believe that not only the US is disallowed from fighting terrorists but, so are other countries. It also appears that Ms. Pelosi is unfamiliar with President Uribe’s works. National Security Council spokesman Gordon Johndroe advised: “It is only under President Uribe that the paramilitaries have had to face justice. The Colombian government has been forthright in calling for investigations into all allegations of wrongdoing, regardless of rank or title.”

As usual, Pelosi and the increasingly wild leftist leaders of the Democrat Party are devoid of facts and function only on an emotional plain of existence—apparently designed to support their leftist brethren (terrorists included) worldwide. With regards to said terrorists, if Ms. Pelosi and US Democrat leaders have their way all countries are to fight them only under the Democrats’ proscribed politically-correct rules of engagement. Otherwise, Ms. Pelosi and her ilk will only meet with and listen to the terrorist leaders—themselves. In the past, we have tolerated the terrorist-supporting Democrats spewing their venom against democratically run countries. But, now they are in control of both Houses of the US legislature and may win the presidency in 2008. Now their inane statements and actions are placing the United States of America and all of its citizens in clear and present danger.

One example of the jeopardy to the US that the Democrat Congress is eagerly fomenting and producing are Democrat leaders who are virtually begging Iran’s terrorist President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who has said his mission is to destroy the USA, to meet with them. Rep. Tom Lantos (D-CA) recently stated: Speaking just for myself, I would be ready to get on a plane tomorrow morning, because however objectionable, unfair and inaccurate many of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's statements are, it is important that we have a dialogue with him. Speaking for myself, I'm ready to go!” Another is Pelosi’s planned visit to Venezuela to meet with the self-described enemy of the United States Hugo Chavez. Pelosi and the Democrats are excited about and motivated to meet with those who have vowed to destroy us but, snub and criticize leaders of democratic countries who side with us.

Does anyone else see something wrong—if not insane—with this Democrat Shadow Party ‘strategy’? Better yet, does the continuing sustenance given by Democrat leaders to our country’s enemies—and lack thereof to our friends and allies—finally show them for who and what they really are? Can you at last see their true faces? If, in the next elections, their actions are again ignored it is only we-the-people who will suffer. We can no longer—at the real risk to our own survival—afford to disregard them. Instead, as with all other enemies of the USA, we must work to defeat them.

Sher Zieve

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Biography - Sher Zieve

Sher Zieve is a long-time syndicated columnist who generally writes columns of a politically Conservative and Constitutional nature. She also interviews notable people with an interesting and/or newsworthy story to tell. These include politicians, writers, activists and others in the news. Her work has been and continues to be carried by both national and international publications. Sher appears regularly on national talk shows.

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Copyright © 2007 by Sher Zieve
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