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"And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." - John 8:32
WEBCommentary Guest
Author:  Sher Zieve
Bio: Sher Zieve
Date:  April 8, 2007
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Illegals Demand Blanket Amnesty and US Citizenship

As US political leaders become more and more feckless with regards to the illegal immigration problems plaguing the country, illegal aliens are becoming increasingly bolder and more vocal in their demands. On Saturday, a purported 15,000 member-strong group of illegal aliens and their leftist supporters once again took to the streets of Los Angeles. In the past, the illegal groups had issued “or else” ultimatums to the US government that it must pass an “illegal immigrant reform” bill. The “or else” involved the illegal immigrants’ refusing to work—but, still expecting to be paid—if the US did not meet their commandments. Now, however, they are demanding a blanket amnesty that entails no fines for being in the US illegally and no returns to Mexico in order to apply for US positions and residencies—nothing. Instead, the illegals carried signs commanding “Amnesty Now!” With regards to the proposed fines to be paid by illegal immigrants for having enjoyed—at no charge—the benefits of the United States of America (which include but are not limited to healthcare, public schooling and college tuition credits for illegals), protestor Armando Garcia shouted: “Charging that much, Bush is going to be even more expensive than the [illegal alien smuggler] coyotes!” Note: Mr. Garcia, other illegals and their attendant supporters blatantly ignore the fact that the costs associated with free illegal healthcare has closed and is closing multiple hospitals and emergency rooms throughout the country. Long ago, the “rights of illegals” supplanted the rights of American citizens.

The illegals and their friends are also balking at (horror of horrors!) having to pay $3,500 for a three-year US work permit—a permit that is said to be renewable. As many Latino groups (including MEChA, the Mexica Movement and La Raza) teach their adherents that the United States really belongs to Mexico, illegals have been led to believe that their presence in the USA is never illegal. However, they are also being taught that all of the “European settlers” are really the interlopers. Therefore, the illegals should not only be allowed to enter the United States but, they must be given all of the resources of our country—free of charge. As a side note, the Mexica Movement plans to deport the “illegal white squatters” back to Europe. The actual from-across-the-border illegals and their supporters refuse to even acknowledge that there is any differentiation between legal and illegal entry into the United States. As long as one is of “the race”—la raza—one should be allowed into our country, without question.

As strong indications of the growing attitude that illegal aliens should be “left alone” by ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) and/or any other group, long-time illegal immigrant Maria Lopez commented: “Last year, we were fighting for legalization, and this year we are fighting for legalization and against all these raids!” And illegal alien Alfredo Gonzalez added: “We need full legalization and need it now!” Immigrating illegally into the USA is now being promulgated by multiple leftist groups as a “human right” and I trust the ACLU—if not some legal-Eagle United Nations group—will be the next to argue this preposterous case in court. However, considering the liberal and leftist-oriented makeup of much of our judicial system, the possibility of a win for illegals is certainly not out of the realm of possibility. Besides, there would then be no need to protect our borders. Congress could spend all of that allocated Border Fence money on their own pet projects and our US Border Patrol Agents would be able to find new lines of work—instead of, currently, being placed in jail for doing their jobs! We could, also, do away with that pesky US Constitution that has plagued and stands in the way of the Left—and their leader-group the Democrat Party—accomplishing its goals. Note: This annoying document also stands in the way of Islamic terrorists entering the country. But, as they’re already here and are some of the new entrants into the Democrat Party that should be an additional incentive to do away with the “outdated” piece of paper.

After the Constitution has been dissolved the USA will have effectively lost its sovereignty. So, our once-elected leaders will be able to set up their own fiefdoms and collect all the taxes they wish from a newly-impoverished serf class. In that way, the Left, at least its now-wealthy leadership, will have placed the USA just where it wants it to be—in the same position as any other third or fourth-world country. Even without a feudal system, largely due to the influx of illegal workers into our country and their subsequent hiring, the US has already experienced a stagnation or significant drop in construction industry, farming, cleaning and food preparation wages.

In order to avoid the real and present possibility that there may soon no longer be any differentiation affected between legal and illegal US residency, it is essential that you contact your Congress people and US Senators to voice your opposition to the insanity and termination of the independence and rule of the United States of America. And we had best do it soon. Rep. Henry Waxman (D-CA) is attempting to push yet another bill through Congress—H. R. 984—that will stop the public from voicing opposition to any of their elected officials. The 2006 version failed, so the Democrats are trying it again. Shouldn’t this bill should be re-designated “H. R. 1984”—in memory of George Orwell?

Sher Zieve

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Biography - Sher Zieve

Sher Zieve is a long-time syndicated columnist who generally writes columns of a politically Conservative and Constitutional nature. She also interviews notable people with an interesting and/or newsworthy story to tell. These include politicians, writers, activists and others in the news. Her work has been and continues to be carried by both national and international publications. Sher appears regularly on national talk shows.

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