Congressional Black Caucus statements inflame racial hate toward American Indians
"Why are African Americans not going around calling themselves Black-Whites, Black-Europeans or Black-Asians or Chinese?"
It seems the American Indian community has been hit with another disease brought to our home land -Racism! Blacks are lining up to tell news groups that Indians are racists and bigots over the 1866 treaty between the Federal Government and Oklahoma Cherokee Nation. In each one of their reports it's clear that they do not know what it means to be an American Indian.
Indians with African heritage are not going around calling themselves Cherokee-Blacks. African Americans claiming Indian heritage are making it a point to let everyone know they are Black, first then Indian. This makes them look like they are trying to make their race dominate over the Indian race, while demanding they be accepted into the Indian community's government as citizens relating to the 1866 treaty.
When one looks further into this, one has to ask: "Why are African Americans not going around calling themselves Black-Whites, Black-Europeans or Black-Asians or Chinese?"
No matter what side you're on in the Cherokee Nation's citizenship vote, one thing still remains a fact! There are people of another race with Indian blood heritage that have proven their blood linage to the Cherokee Nation's rollbook, and they will always be citizens of the Cherokee Nation! The Cherokee Nation's citizenship vote did not change that in any way.
If you acknowledge that the Cherokee Nation is a sovereign nation and all that comes under the definition of the word, you have to acknowledge the Cherokee Nation can conduct its governmental duties without interferences from another government. The question should be: "What part of government sovereignty do people not fully understand?" The Cherokee Nation's citizenship vote issue should only be dealt with by the Cherokee Nation's government and it's registered citizens, not the U.S. government or any other government to include treaties.
The Cherokee Nation is not going around telling the federal government who can and cannot be a U.S. citizen. The Cherokee nation is not going around telling people what race they are and what racial group they belong to. The Cherokee Nation is saying, if you can prove your Indian heritage blood linkage to a citizen of the nation that's listed on their rollbook, you can become a citizen of the Cherokee Nation regardless what other race blood you have in you.
Have you ever "not" met an American and not heard these words: "I have Indian heritage?" The next question you ask is: "What tribe?" If the treaty of 1866 can make an African American, without Indian blood heritage, a citizen of the Cherokee Nation, then today anyone proving by DNA test they have Indian blood heritage should be able to join the Indian nation of their choice. Because DNA tests do not, and cannot, tell you what Indian Nation you're part of.
Could you see the federal government enforcing DNA tribal nations citizenship? Why not? At this time you would be hearing these words from the federal government: "What in God's name have we done!" Indian Nation's citizenship would swell into the hundreds of millions. The federal government would have to allocate vast amounts of federal funds to Indian Nation governments just as they are required to for state governments and their citizens! Now the term "we're all Americans" comes into play big time, but the meaning of the words "government sovereignty" will never change.
Those crying racism, racist, and calling American Indians bigots, need to take a good look in the mirror and see themselves for what they really are. Wolves even have a social order. No wolf from another pack is allowed to join a wolf pack without their permission.
American Indians and African Americans respect and acknowledge what each group had to deal with in forming America, the country. Calling one another derogatory and hurtful names is totally out of line and needs to stop! The American Indian community has a history of thinking of themselves as a people, not a race of people. It's sad in today's times that if you do not like what someone else is saying or doing, the first words out of their mouth is: "You're a racist."
The American Indian community will not stand for or accept being branded as racist from any racial group! It's past time for all Americans to get off the "race-hate-name calling" and just agree to disagree on social and government issues. Then we can deal with each other through respect.
The American Indian community question to the Congressional Black Caucus is: "Are you ready to "demand" that the federal government "fully honor" the treaty of 1866? If so, when will all the land that constitutes the state of Oklahoma be given back to the American Indian people, plus all the tax revenue generated on that land? "
The U.S. government supports other world governments that restrict their citizenship through race and blood quorum with U.S. tax dollars. Where is the Congressional Black Caucus outrage? Question: "If you're not Black, can you join the Congressional Black Caucus". The answer is: "No".
The American Indian community respects all nationalities of other people. In return all they ask is that they be respected as a sovereign people of their nations.
Mike Graham is a citizen of the Oklahoma Cherokee Nation, a retired service connected disabled Army veteran. Founded United Native America in 1993 to form a national group to take action on American Indian issues. The groups main issue is to bring about a federal national holiday for Native Americans. United Native America's motto is, "Standing up for America and the American Indian community."
Graham has been a guest speaker on national and international radio talk shows to include television programs concerning Indian community issues, his reports on Indian issues have been published in newspapers all over America. He has traveled across the country discussing issues with Indian nation leaders, he has presented Indian issues at college's and high schools.