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"And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." - John 8:32
WEBCommentary Guest
Author:  Sher Zieve
Bio: Sher Zieve
Date:  March 13, 2007
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When Republican Attack: US Border Patrol Injustice

When Republicans attack, recently it’s more than likely against other Republicans. The liberal RINO contingent of the Party most generally assaults its conservative wing while, as with Arizona Senator John McCain, siding with liberal Democrats to pass anti-US sovereignty bills. Of note is McCain’s coupling with leftist Senator Ted Kennedy (D-MA) toward passing an amnesty-for-illegals and, essentially, open-borders bill for those criminally crossing the US-Mexico border; a bill that is now being drafted in secret sessions—out of view and denied input from all but the most leftist-minded senators. The fact that the bill’s contents are being drafted covertly speaks volumes as to its content. Could it be affording even more latitude and power to the Mexican government toward controlling greater portions of the affairs of the United States of America? One must seriously wonder.

Note: The Mexican Consulate already has offices located in US Border Patrol locations to “monitor” the activities of Border Patrol Agents.

Even the once-conservative publication National Review Online has apparently become a supplicant surrogate for the pro-illegal and anti-US Border Patrol and law enforcement set. In the case of convicted Border Patrol Agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean, the Grand Jury was given false “evidence” in order to secure an indictment of the Agents. Said false evidence was repeated by Prosecutor Johnny Sutton to the jury during the trial phase. The “victim” of Ramos’ and Compean’s actions was admitted drug smuggler and illegal alien Osvaldo Aldrete who was given “amnesty” for his testimony against the Agents. DHS Inspector General Richard L. Skinner admitted, before a congressional committee, that he and other DHS members had lied in their provision of bogus evidence to the prosecutor. Even the ballistics’ evidence against the Agents has been disputed by experts and Border Patrol Agents, most likely under threat from the US government, changed their testimonies from that which originally cleared Ramos and Compean from any wrongdoing. Ramos’ and Compean’s supervisor initially advised that the Agents had followed procedure and that he had advised them not to make a written report. But, theoretical Republican pro-amnesty columnists continue to repeat the lies that have, already, been discredited by the liars. After the lies against Ramos and Compean had been exposed, our government and the current administration have become curiously silent. And Ramos and Compean still remain in federal prison.

However, the US government’s strikes against those attempting to protect our borders from illegals (which—by the way—includes the “other than Mexican” body of terrorists) is not only relegated to Border Patrol Agents. The same US Prosecutor Johnny Sutton has now set his sights on local law enforcement. Sutton prosecuted and won a conviction against Texas Deputy Sheriff Gilmer Hernandez for firing on the driver of a van filled with illegal aliens; a van driver that, from reports, was attempting to run down Deputy Hernandez. Note: This is the same Johnny Sutton who has been heavily implicated in the cover-up of the infamous “House of Death” incident.

Our US government and prosecutors have now presented we-the-people with the clear and unmistakable message that we may not do anything to quell or stop illegals from entering our country—even to protect our lives or the lives of our loved ones. If we do attempt to protect ourselves from these illegal packs, we have been told in no uncertain terms that the weight and power of the US government will be brought to bear against us—even if false evidence has to be affected to do so. And, as has been exhibited by the Ramos-Compean case, even when the evidence is discovered to have been based upon lies we will still remain in jail. Note: Recent earthquakes in the US are undoubtedly being caused our Founding Fathers rolling in their graves.

It appears that we have already lost our country and its attendant sovereignty to non-US citizens and a US government bent upon forming a North American Union—to the detriment and dissolution of the USA. Only Mexico and large multi-national corporations appear to benefit from this planned termination of three independent and self-governing nations into one conglomerate region. The building of the once-clandestine and seldom-reported-by-the-mainstream-media North American Superhighway is already underway. Note: Usage of this superhighway—paid for by US citizens’ taxes—will not be allowed to the general US public. Can anyone say ‘taxation without representation’?

The destruction of our country is well underway. Under fear and penalty of conviction and prison time, we have been sent the unambiguous message that we may not protect ourselves against any and all illegal marauders entering our country. Drug smugglers from across our border are allowed to ply their trade, while those attempting to stop and protect us from them are sent to prison. Laws have been passed and others are in the process of being passed to usurp our tax dollars in order to pay for the housing and care of illegal immigrants and the elimination of the USA.

The only question I currently have for my conservative brothers and sisters is: Will we fight for our country or allow it to dissolve before our eyes with only a slight whimper? Thus far, the whimper seems to be winning.

Sher Zieve

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Biography - Sher Zieve

Sher Zieve is a long-time syndicated columnist who generally writes columns of a politically Conservative and Constitutional nature. She also interviews notable people with an interesting and/or newsworthy story to tell. These include politicians, writers, activists and others in the news. Her work has been and continues to be carried by both national and international publications. Sher appears regularly on national talk shows.

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Copyright © 2007 by Sher Zieve
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