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"And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." - John 8:32
WEBCommentary Guest
Author:  Sher Zieve
Bio: Sher Zieve
Date:  February 20, 2007
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Another US Government Attempt to Sell a Border Patrol Agent Down the River

Just when we-the-people thought that the US government’s continued persecutions of our US Border Patrol Agents—for doing theor respective jobs—couldn’t get much worse, it did. Although DHS Inspector General Richard L. Skinner recently admitted to Congress that he and his Agents had lied in their provision of evidence against USBP Agents Compean and Ramos, the officers still remain in federal prison—a prison in which Agent Ramos was released into the prison’s general population and then beaten within an inch of his life via a “hit” fomented by incarcerated illegals. And, even though Texas Deputy Sheriff Gilmer Hernandez was protecting his life when he fired on a human trafficking coyote who was attempting to run him down with his van, Gilmer was still convicted and sentenced to prison.

However, the latest reported attempt of the US government—using corrupt means in its attempt to prosecute a USBP Agent for protecting our border against illegals—was thwarted. Former USBP Agent David Sipe was convicted and sentenced in 2001 for using “excessive force” in his 2000 arrest of illegal alien coyote Jose Guevara. During Sipe’s trial before US District Judge Ricardo Hinojosa, US Attorney Mervyn Mosbacker Jr. prosecuted the case and gained a conviction against the agent. But, in Sipe’s appeal it was discovered that the government’s prosecutor had not only withheld evidence that would have been advantageous to the defense but had given Mexican national Guevara (and two other illegals) a veritable boatload of perks for their testimonies against Sipe. The Washington Times reported that during Sipe’s appeal process, it was revealed that Prosecutor Mosbacker had suppressed his office’s offers to Guevara and the two other illegals of: “Social Security cards, witness fees, permits allowing travel to and from Mexico, living expenses and free use of government phones.” Mosbacker and his office were found to have lied to the court when they presented a written affidavit advising that no promises or advantages were given to the illegals. Subsequently, the appeals court found that: "The government stated in writing the aliens were allowed to remain and work in the United States pending trial and specified that 'no other promises or advantages' had been given. That was not true. They were essentially given all, and more, of the benefits they were arrested for trying to obtain illegally—benefits so valuable that they took great risks to obtain them by crossing the border illegally."

The lower court’s ruling was overturned and Sipe was acquitted on 26 January. At least Sipe’s case actually resulted in justice served. But, other USBP Agents and law enforcement officers are still under fire from the government or are in jail—again, for doing their jobs and/or trying to protect their very lives.

I have long been an active supporter of the Bush Administration, with regards to its fighting Islamic terrorism and the outstanding job it has done for our still-booming economy. But, its pro-illegal stance on immigration is unfathomable. That is unless it’s tied to the burgeoning North American Alliance; an alliance that would strip the USA of its sovereignty.

If these ongoing trials and convictions of law enforcement continue to be based upon lies and “misrepresentations” from our own governmental prosecutors, what chance do actual US citizens have against those who place illegal aliens above legal citizens of the United States of America? The chilling answer is none.

Sher Zieve

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Biography - Sher Zieve

Sher Zieve is a long-time syndicated columnist who generally writes columns of a politically Conservative and Constitutional nature. She also interviews notable people with an interesting and/or newsworthy story to tell. These include politicians, writers, activists and others in the news. Her work has been and continues to be carried by both national and international publications. Sher appears regularly on national talk shows.

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