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"And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." - John 8:32
WEBCommentary Guest
Author:  Marie Jon'
Bio: Marie Jon'
Date:  October 26, 2006
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Today's Democrats Mess On America's Doorstep
The Party of "Hate Speech" Doesn't Deserve Your Support

There is no doubt that successful completion of the job in Iraq is critical for America's safety. We must have nothing less than complete victory. The terrorists in Iraq are aware of this, and are capitalizing on our upcoming midterm election to demoralize us on the home front. Don't be deceived by the party of cut and run. The Democrat Party consists of nothing but whiny complainers. Even with help of hindsight, they have no worthy ideas.

There is no doubt that successful completion of the job in Iraq is critical for America's safety. We must have nothing less than complete victory. The terrorists in Iraq are aware of this, and are capitalizing on our upcoming midterm election to demoralize us on the home front. Do not be deceived by the party of cut and run. The Democrat Party consists of nothing but whiny complainers. They have no worthy ideas, even with help of hindsight.

The entire free world will suffer if we prematurely pull out of Iraq as proposed by leaders of the Democrat Party. Their plans would bring no well-founded or honorable solutions. Iraq would become the hot spot where terrorists would spawn.

Nevertheless, these ill thought out plans for Iraq are repetitively parroted by Rep. John Murtha of Pennsylvania. “The U.S. cannot accomplish anything further in Iraq militarily. It is time to bring them home,” said Murtha, a former Marine and senior Democrat on the House appropriations subcommittee that oversees military spending.

The alphabet media of insubordination and the DNC have taken every opportunity to weaken our country by leaking government top secrets that embolden terrorists here and abroad. Many of our troops have either died or been seriously injured with the knowledge that their efforts have been castigated and underhandedly sabotaged by our own free press. Ironically, it is these same troops that help uphold the rights of the press to help the terrorists.

Our troops are fighting in foreign places so that every American can vote. I pray that every Republican, conservative and moderate goes to the ballot box and votes for the party of Abraham Lincoln and Ronald Reagan. The other alternatives are to vote for homegrown subversives or stay home and not vote. Either option empowers those who have continually undermined our troop's effort in Iraq. Good citizens vote on election day. They perform their civic duty. When voting, we need to make the right choices. What party has kept us safe since 9/11? Who will do a better job in Iraq? Clear thinking Americans use good common sense at the ballot box. 

With the help of his top war commanders and national security advisers, the President will make the changes necessary for success, including timetables for the Iraqi government to force the militias to disarm and plans for political and economic progress. President G. W. Bush wants Iraq to succeed because he understands the strength that will come from a free democracy in the Middle East. “Staying the course" has always meant never to abandon the Iraqi people we have help "set free" (Isaiah 61).

Our president will never cut and run. He will not leave innocent Iraqis to further suffer at the hands of terrorists. The resulting bloodshed (for the citizens of Iraq) would be devastating. Those who talk about leaving this fledgling country are demagogues and hypocrites.

Excerpts from the Associated Press article:

The DNC might appeal to some misguided Americans who believe that leaving Iraq will end the story as it relates to the battle between good and evil. Learn a lesson from the past. Al Qaeda and other terrorists groups grew under the Clinton administration pre- 9/11 – not during the G.W. Bush administration.  The same unfortunate climate will thrive once again if the lofty elitists of socialism, secularism and Marxism gain control of this country. The Democrats know no other way to govern our nation than to destroy it. The party of Mutha, Kerry, and Kennedy will give into the terrorist's fondest wishes. They will turn Iraq into a killing field. With all the negative clamoring, the biased media has helped to create more problems in Iraq. Iraq's enemies feed off the media's every negative word. The media uses yellow journalism to confuse the American public. Our people "lack wisdom" (Hosea4:6), because our public air waves robs them of the truth.

We have been bombarded with vicious and unwarranted politicking over Iraq and the war on terror for more than five years. The constant attacks have demoralized our citizens and our troops serving their country. Most of us have felt frustrated and angered by what we observe coming from those who call themselves liberal progressives. They have managed to turn our country inside out. They have willfully divided the nation for their own selfish objectives.

Wars are “lost at home” because citizens lack the will to stand up and do what is correct. Blame the media and a party that is morally bankrupt and corrupt. "I hate the Republicans and everything they stand for," the DNC chairman Howard Dean told Democrats gathered at a Manhattan hotel, according to the New York Daily News. Today's Democrats contribute nothing toward the betterment of our country. Now, they have messed on America's doorstep. It's time to show them with your vote, just what you think of them. It’s time to scrape them off.

Marie Jon'

Send email feedback to Marie Jon'

Notes:  Quotes:

  "Election Day gives us a choice to give our values wings and voice. It’s spending time to pay respect to what makes freedom ring. When we neglect our treasured right, we fail to leverage godly might. When we forget or just don’t vote, we leech off liberty. Yes, voting is like paying dues. We mark our ballots and we choose. And in the process we invest in funding freedom’s cost." - Rev. Greg Asimakoupoulos

Related Reading:

Free Fox Video Set Up
Bush: “We Will Consider All Proposals to Help Iraq” - Videos of President Bush talks on Iraq on page
The Blue Star Mothers
The Blue Star Riders Website
Defend America Website

Biography - Marie Jon'

marieMarie Jon' is a political/religious-based writer.

In addition to having written for WEBCommentary, Marie's writings have appeared on many sites, including The New Media Journal, ChronWatch, and Commonconservative, to name a few. Marie is no longer writing online commentary.

Marie's refreshing and spirited point of view is reflected in her writings, genuine and spiritual opinions regarding God and his teachings. Marie is a practicing Christian, a nurse, a student of the Bible, and a patriot. Many of Marie's articles are a reflection of her great admiration for those who served in Iraq and Afghanistan. She is an advocate for the troops, as well as the Blue and Gold Star Mothers of America, and their families. Marie has appeared as a guest with political talk show host Bruce Elliott on WBAL-1090 AM.

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Copyright © 2006 by Marie Jon'
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