Dutch Author Hiding from Islamic Extremists in Holland
by Jim Kouri, CPP
From 1998 until 2006, W.G. Van Dorian worked as an attorney in Criminal Law and Immigration Law in The Netherlands and Aruba. As such, Van Dorian came into close contact with terrorism and religious extremism. After the recent murders of Dutch filmmaker Theo van Gogh and Dutch politician Pim Fortuyn (supposedly the next president), Van Dorian decided The Netherlands was no longer a safe haven to write anything that is critical towards extremism.
He emigrated from The Netherlands to South America to publish his novel without having to fear repercussions from extremists.
Part One of a series titled The New World Order, the fictional thriller, The Invisible Invasion, describes a possible escalation in the world of (nuclear) conflict in the future with very realistic roots of religious extremism in present day Europe.
Recently, contributor Jim Kouri spoke with Van Dorian via e-mail. He remains in hiding in South America.
Jim Kouri:
The Invisible Invasion is a fiction novel. Nevertheless, events that occur in the book don't seem to be far from reality. How much is fiction and how much is already occurring?
W. G. Van Dorian:
As a defense attorney I was close to the fire. I had to defend suspected terrorists. Not just as my clients but also in daily life one noticed the aggressive behavior with which many Islamic immigrants refused to adapt to European culture and lifestyle (backed by overanxious leftist interest groups) and eventually turned against that society by renouncing anything that is different to Islamic culture, such as: fair treatment of women, tolerance, freedom of speech, human rights (except when they can appeal for discrimination, etc). The European societies backed by leftist politics let them for years and now someone who dares to criticize or even discuss Islam is a dead man. It's like this was their plan all along, thus I chose the title "the invisible invasion". Even though it's just a fiction thriller, I see these events as the beginning of the end of democracy and freedom of speech.
You call the 'Bad guys' "Radicals" yet all directions in the book go toward Radical Islam. Why not call them such?
Van Dorian:
Radicals come in many ways: not just religion but also Ideology. I used this example because I consider this group one of the most dangerous groups for world peace in this day and age and I was right in the middle of their thoughts and ways.
It's a Fiction novel but you mixed elements of the past (holocaust / Sign of David on clothes, etc) into a possible future. Why this unique mixture?
Van Dorian:
Simple. History repeats itself all the time and we see things happen all over again because people don't seem to learn from history. Jew hatred, a passive Europe that let's extremists hide behind and manipulate human rights so they can continue without people noticing it or wanting to notice it. I wanted to try to shake some people and groups awake.
In the book, one of the characters, Sean Gallagher, thinks human rights are a relic from the past. Isn't that your own assumption?
Van Dorian:
First of all, this is what the character thinks but if you want my opinion: People will blame the way the west has treated certain countries of the rise of extremism but I've seen differently. I think the reason why we are in this extremist mess today, in Europe at least, is because people were too nice and let extremists do their thing because people are much more afraid to be linked to fascism and discrimination, especially in Europe after WW2. Questioning, debating and, if necessary, disciplining a group's behavior is hardly fascism nor discrimination. Democracy and Human rights are nice but it shouldn't be used against a society by extremists that want to harm that same society that feeds them.
I think there's nothing wrong with severe disciplined and strong leadership and behavior by society if this preserves security.
You had to move to South America to publish the book without danger for your own life. How's that?
Van Dorian:
Specific groups, extremist Muslims, may see the book as a threat, even though it's just a fiction novel. Let's be honest: Muslims are very touchy about their religion. Look at what happened to the Pope, but also to Theo van Gogh who criticized Islam for it's bad treatment of women in his film "Submission" He was ritually slaughtered in the middle of broad daylight Amsterdam. That tells you something about the madness these religious people carry inside of them. I wanted to prevent some religious idiot doing the same in name of a God for a fiction novel.
I do have a message with this book: beware of Radicals, extremists, but the reason why I turned it into a fiction novel is so that a Fatwa against my person becomes even more ridiculous, after all it's fiction, right! (still). Remember: extremists are full of hatred.
Title: The Invisible Invasion
Author: W.G. Van Dorian
Publisher: Wiseman Publishing
Jim Kouri, CPP is currently fifth vice-president of the National Association of Chiefs of Police. He's former chief at a New York City housing project in Washington Heights nicknamed "Crack City" by reporters covering the drug war in the 1980s. In addition, he served as director of public safety at a New Jersey university and director of security for a number of organizations. He's also served on the National Drug Task Force and trained police and security officers throughout the country. He writes for many police and crime magazines including Chief of Police, Police Times, The Narc Officer, Campus Law Enforcement Journal, and others. He's appeared as on-air commentator for over 100 TV and radio news and talk shows including Oprah, McLaughlin Report, CNN Headline News, MTV, Fox News, etc. His book Assume The Position is available at Amazon.Com, Booksamillion.com, and can be ordered at local bookstores. Kouri holds a bachelor of science in criminal justice and master of arts in public administration and he's a board certified protection professional.