Dems Smell Victory -- or is that the stench of voter fraud
While a funeral is a sad event for most people, to the Democrat Party it's another opportunity to increase their voter base.
by Jim Kouri, CPP
The Democrats are on fire this election season. They smell victory -- or perhaps that smell is Senator Harry Reid's land deals. Or could it be the smell of voter fraud?
In their effort to gain control of the House of Representatives and the Senate, they are doing anything and everything including their old standbys: registering the dead, minors and illegal aliens.
In St. Louis, Missouri, Election Board officials say they've discovered at least 1,492 "potentially fraudulent" voter registration cards -- including three from dead people and one from a 16-year-old -- among the thousands pouring in before today's voter registration deadline for the Nov. 7 election, according to the St. Louis Dispatch.
And the majority of those "potentially fraudulent" voter cards came from the left-wing "get out the vote" group ACORN.
The Republican elections director Scott Leiendecker stated that the board's staff expects to find even more bogus voter-registration applications among the thousands remaining to be processed. The board plans to turn all the questionable cards over to city Circuit Attorney Jennifer Joyce for investigation and possible prosecution, said board chairman Kimberley Mathis.
The board says all the questionable cards were turned in by one group - the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, commonly known as ACORN.
Brian Mellor, the group's election counsel, said ACORN welcomed any prosecutions of workers who turn in fraudulent cards. "We try very hard to monitor the employees, but there are chances of things slipping through," he said.
Mellor said his group pays the workers $8 an hour to register voters and not by the number of registrations they collect.
But Mellor added that he was angry that Leiendecker had said nothing about the questionable cards during a meeting Tuesday afternoon. Leiendecker replied the cards weren't the purpose of the meeting, which he said focused on missing information on some of the voter registrations, according to the Post-Dispatch.
Statewide, ACORN has turned about 40,000 new voter registrations in recent weeks, Mellor said. About 15,000 were collected in the city of St. Louis and 5,000 in St. Louis County. The rest were primarily in the Kansas City area.
ACORN's voter-registration collections have come under fire in recent weeks in several states, including Ohio and Pennsylvania. Mellor and national ACORN communications director Kevin Whelan said that most of the allegations have turned out to be unfounded. Mellor detailed the findings of various investigations into ACORN's 2004 voter-registration activities that he said also turned up no wrongdoing.
In St. Louis three years ago, the city Election Board reported finding more than 1,000 suspicious voter registration cards turned in by ACORN. No one appears to have been prosecuted in that case, although Joyce's office has obtained convictions regarding fraudulent voter-registration cards turned in by people working for other, now-defunct groups.
The latest batch of questionable cards tied to ACORN included one that attempted to register Miya Hinton, who is listed as a 20-year-old residing at an address in the 4800 block of Sacramento Avenue. It turns out that Hinton is 16 and lives at a different address in that block.
Her mother, Monique Hinton, alerted the Election Board after the family received the board's standard letter confirming the new registration. Hinton says she became concerned about how someone had obtained some of her daughter's personal information, such as the correct month and day she was born.
"Her rights are being violated," Hinton said.
Miya Hinton's signature appears to have been forged on the voter registration card, Leiendecker said.
Hundreds of the questionable voter-registration cards have suspicious signatures, with some showing similar handwriting, said Bettie Williams, board voter registration supervisor.
The circuit attorney's office said it couldn't comment until it received the cards.
Whelan and Mellor also disputed a separate controversy, ignited by a local political blog,, where a former ACORN employee alleged that she and other voter-registration workers had been told to promote the candidacy of state Auditor Claire McCaskill, a Democrat running for the US Senate against Republican incumbent Jim Talent.
The fact of the matter is when liberal-left activists, who've hijacked the Democrat Party, see hordes of illegal aliens crossing the border or a cemetary they see votes. Or when they see a US prison population of hundreds of thousands of convicts. Potential votes. While they make baseless allegations that Republicans are disenfranchising certain groups of people so they will not vote, the Democrats "enfranchise" illegal aliens who are voting for whomever is busing them to the election polls.
And don't fool yourself; illegal aliens and dead folks are voting. Which is why the Democrat Party opposes states trying to pass legislation that requires voters to display valid voter ID cards.
Jim Kouri, CPP is currently fifth vice-president of the National Association of Chiefs of Police. He's former chief at a New York City housing project in Washington Heights nicknamed "Crack City" by reporters covering the drug war in the 1980s. In addition, he served as director of public safety at a New Jersey university and director of security for a number of organizations. He's also served on the National Drug Task Force and trained police and security officers throughout the country. He writes for many police and crime magazines including Chief of Police, Police Times, The Narc Officer, Campus Law Enforcement Journal, and others. He's appeared as on-air commentator for over 100 TV and radio news and talk shows including Oprah, McLaughlin Report, CNN Headline News, MTV, Fox News, etc. His book Assume The Position is available at Amazon.Com,, and can be ordered at local bookstores. Kouri holds a bachelor of science in criminal justice and master of arts in public administration and he's a board certified protection professional.