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"And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." - John 8:32
WEBCommentary Guest
Author:  Jayme Evans
Bio: Jayme Evans
Date:  September 10, 2006
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Sorry, Senator Biden. I Don't Buy It.
Where's The Beef In Your Recipe For Disaster?

Prevention would require robust measures such as tight borders, profiling, espionage, surveillance, more pressure on foreign governments to cooperate, and Americans arming themselves to prepare for the coming onslaught –all things that liberals repeatedly prove they don't have the stomach for. Furthermore, imagine if you will, what would happen, if you put all of your eggs in the prevention “basket”, and you're wrong. Americans are going to die. I'll stick with preemption.

Liberals do nothing but criticize. They have no solutions, only empty rhetoric that they think will help catapult one of them to the presidency.

Take Delaware Senator Joe Biden.

In a speech for the National Press Club, he put forth the following 4 part campaign strategy to keep America safer:

1). He would implement the recommendations of the 9/11 commission. He would accomplish this by "taking back" tax cuts for people who make over a million dollars a year. He would then place this money in a dedicated Homeland Security Trust Fund to be used to increase security.

First, The Bush Administration is attempting to implement many of those proposals, already. Unfortunately due to the two-party system, no matter which party rents the White House, they'll have to fight the other to try and implement any of the recommendations in the commission's report.

Secondly, the federal government took the "trust" out of "Trust Fund" long ago. The Social Security Trust Fund was supposed be be dedicated for the nation's retirees and was their money, but the government has systematically plundered it into insolvency for 30 years.

Thirdly, with liberals, it's always OK to shrink the wealth of millionaires, but never the size or budget of the government behemoth.

2). He would take the focus off of preemptive military strikes and instead prevent potential threats to the US.

Presumably, by choosing prevention over preemption, one can assume that you wouldn't attack first, but would instead prevent them from attacking you by using law enforcement efforts.

Prevention would require robust measures such as tight borders, profiling, espionage, surveillance, more pressure on foreign governments to cooperate, and Americans arming themselves to prepare for the coming onslaught–all things that liberals repeatedly prove they don't have the stomach for.

Furthermore, imagine if you will, what would happen, if you put all of your eggs in the prevention “basket”, and you're wrong.

Americans are going to die. I'll stick with preemption.

3). He would build a network of like-minded countries that pool resources, ideas, information and power.

Like the Bush Administration is doing with The United Kingdom, Australia, Italy, Jordan, Kuwait, the UN, NATO, the UAE, and numerous others?

4). Finally, he would develop what he refers to as “institutions of democracy” - political parties, an independent media, and judiciary, and of course labor unions in the Middle East.

There is growing demand in the Muslim world for Sharia law, which is essentially, an eye for an eye.

Conversion to Christianity is punishable by death in much of the Muslim world to this day. But, according to Senator Biden, we are going to export our brand of democratic “institutions” to the entire Middle East?

Overall, this sounds an awful lot like the current President's policy. It wouldn't be the first time Biden "borrowed" someone else's idea.

It is widely known that when he ran for President in 1988 that he had to bow out, because he plagiarized a campaign speech that was written by a British politician, without giving him credit.

There is absolutely nothing new here, other than the revelation that Senator Biden would forego preemptive military strikes abroad in favor of class warfare here at home.

That makes for a more divided country, and a weaker, not stronger defense.

Jayme Evans

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Biography - Jayme Evans

Jayme Evans is a veteran of the United States Navy, a military analyst, conservative opinion columnist, and an advocate for disabled and other veterans. He has served for many years as a Subject Matter Expert specializing in the testing of systems software for numerous major US organizations. He has extensively studied amateur astronomy and metallurgy, as well as military and US history. His brutally honest, in-your-face political commentary has been published in many west coast newspapers, and he is a regular contributing columnist to a multitude of internet sites, including, The Conservative Voice, and Conservative Crusader. Mr. Evans has also written guest editorials for Military Magazine, and he has been a frequent guest columnist on WorldNetDaily, writing about legislative and veteran's issues.

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