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"And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." - John 8:32
WEBCommentary Guest
Author:  Jayme Evans
Bio: Jayme Evans
Date:  September 7, 2006
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There's A Light At The End Of The Tunnel

Any war planner will tell you, without both a clear objective and a clear exit strategy; One that sets out both the conditions for victory, as well as those for defeat you have no business starting a fight, because you're not being realistic about the risks. Bush's exit strategy is to leave when the Iraqis take over. I'm sick and tired of hearing "We're fighting them in Iraq so we don't have to fight them here." The fact-of-the-matter is that we ARE fighting them here. All the time. They're infiltrating through that block o' Swiss cheese we call a border; or they're visa holders; or they're homegrown. If we weren't fighting them here, why would we need surveillance and eavesdropping programs, Mr. President?

On one hand, you have the finest this country has to offer. Like Robert Jones. On his second tour in Iraq, he wrote his father for Father's Day to tell him he would have sent a card, but they didn't have any in the PX.

And who, incidentally gave his life for freedom.

Or Kristian Menchaca, who was recently married, and also gave his life for something bigger than himself;

Or David Babineau who died while bravely defending his post;

Or Tom Tucker, who joined the Army because he wanted to do something GOOD for his country and was executed and mutilated for his allegiance to it.

On the other hand you have military leadership and politicians believing the unproven allegations of Sunni Muslims and charging young Marines with murder.

If we are to defeat global terror. We must hold the following people accountable:

Those who would allow the prosecution or shackling of any combat soldier who was following the Rules of Engagement set out by his superiors.

Senator Dick “Turban” Durbin from Illinois, who once equated the interrogation techniques of US troops at Guantanamo to those of Nazis.

John "Cold-Blooded Murtha"(D-PA) who accused fellow Marines of cold-blooded murder without as much as a shred of evidence. On national television.

Donald Rumsfeld, who went into Iraq with preconceived notions, and wouldn't take any advice that ran contrary to his vision of military “transformation”.

Liberals in the House and Senate who continue to criticize, yet have no solutions whatsoever, other than to simply withdraw.

President Bush. Any war planner will tell you, without both a clear objective and a clear exit strategy; One that sets out both the conditions for victory, as well as those for defeat you have no business starting a fight, because you're not being realistic about the risks. Bush's exit strategy is to leave when the Iraqis take over.

I'm sick and tired of hearing "We're fighting them in Iraq so we don't have to fight them here."

The fact-of-the-matter is that we ARE fighting them here. All the time. They're infiltrating through that block o' Swiss cheese we call a border; or they're visa holders; or they're homegrown.

If we weren't fighting them here, why would we need surveillance and eavesdropping programs, Mr. President?

The President conveniently uses the London hijacking plot to justify his continued assault on the freedoms our forefathers died to bestow upon us, yet at the same time justifies our continuing walkabout in the Iraqi Outback with the "We're fighting them there.." remark.

Our enemy hides behind their women. Their children. Their elderly;

They use hit-and-run tactics, and melt back into the population.

They use traps, kidnappings, ambushes and IEDs. They use remote controlled explosives; and propaganda.

While praising their god, they slit the throats, and cut off the heads of men, women, soldiers, journalists, contractors, politicians, peace activists, Jews, Christians, and even other Muslims.

They hide bombs in donkey carts. On bicycles; In burqas.

They bomb markets and schools and babies.

They blow up weddings. They respect no laws of civilized conduct. They blow up funerals.

They don't even have the decency to allow you the dignity of collecting your dead without worrying about ambushes or booby-traps.

They can't be reasoned with. They can't be negotiated with. They can't be begged for mercy.

They have no empathy. No sympathy, humanity.

They want to convert you, and if that fails to kill you, because you are an infidel.

We broadcast our intentions.

At Guantanamo Bay, We feed them culturally sensitive meals.

We give them Korans.

And prayer rugs.

And we paint symbols on the ground to oreient them towards Mecca so they can then pray to Allah for our destruction.

By the way, that light I mentioned earlier... It's the oncoming train.

Jayme Evans

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Biography - Jayme Evans

Jayme Evans is a veteran of the United States Navy, a military analyst, conservative opinion columnist, and an advocate for disabled and other veterans. He has served for many years as a Subject Matter Expert specializing in the testing of systems software for numerous major US organizations. He has extensively studied amateur astronomy and metallurgy, as well as military and US history. His brutally honest, in-your-face political commentary has been published in many west coast newspapers, and he is a regular contributing columnist to a multitude of internet sites, including, The Conservative Voice, and Conservative Crusader. Mr. Evans has also written guest editorials for Military Magazine, and he has been a frequent guest columnist on WorldNetDaily, writing about legislative and veteran's issues.

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Copyright © 2006 by Jayme Evans
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