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"And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." - John 8:32
WEBCommentary Guest
Author:  Barbara Anderson
Bio: Barbara Anderson
Date:  February 10, 2006
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Funerals and Political Rallies

Thousands gathered for a funeral service in honor of Coretta Scott King, who will always be remembered as the widow of the Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. Many dignitaries were there. Former presidents were there to honor her memory. To pay her one of the greatest honors, the current president of the United States, President George W. Bush, and First Lady Laura Bush represented the American people by being there.

Along with the touching and appropriate tributes came some nasty politicking. The hostile remarks were directed at President Bush, who exhibited an endearing Christian virtue of turning the other cheek. If he was angry or dismayed, he did not show it. However, the political potshots taken at him sullied the whole ceremony and showed that those who oppose him had little sense of decorum or class. It was as if they realized that they had the president in a vise of sorts and they were bent on turning the screws.

The Democrats’ sense of history showed itself again to be flawed. They railed against those who investigated Dr. and Mrs. King, forgetting that the investigator was none other than Bobby Kennedy, the brother of Teddy, who took part in the castigating of Republicans. Also, they conveniently failed to mention that the South, where most of the resistance to civil rights existed, was controlled by Democrat governors, legislators, mayors and lesser lawmakers and law enforcers. One of the most famous, Governor George Wallace, for instance, was a Democrat who vehemently opposed integration.

Former president Jimmy Carter was one who spoke disparagingly of the president. For all his vaunted Christianity, he took a solemn religious service to make political points and speak ill of a fellow Christian, one who could not reply in kind. Democrats are fond of invoking the “church and state” prohibition against using religion to further one’s political ambitions. However, we see them again and again speaking in churches for their candidates and their initiatives. Coretta Scott King’s funeral service was the latest.

Evidently Democrats are confused as to what a memorial or funeral service is all about. At Democrat Senator Paul Wellstone’s memorial, where attendees were sure the full attention of the mainstream press was focused on them, they took THAT opportunity to lash out at Republicans. They seemed to have overdone it, however, as the popular sentiment then was that a solemn ceremony did not call for political stumping. Maybe we have become used to these displays. The righteous backlash doesn’t seem to have happened. If we have become used to politicking at funerals, it means that one more rite has been sullied and degraded by Democrats.

One can expect political rivals to speak out against one another, but whatever happened to the time honored practice of former presidents not commenting on the current president’s policies, especially foreign policy? Former president Jimmy Carter started early in this president’s tenure and commented often, with nothing but criticism. Now, if he had been a stellar president with worthwhile achievements, maybe the criticism would carry more weight. As it is, some people can still remember the long lines waiting for gas, the inflation, and the stagnant economy. Carter was even moved to remark about a “malaise” in the country during his time as leader of the country.

Never missing an opportunity to appear before cameras, former president Bill Clinton and Hillary appeared at the microphone together. This reminded us of the promise Bill made, that if we got him, we got Hillary, also. He has been busy doing charitable work to rehabilitate himself in the eyes of the American people. Also, it didn't hurt Hillary to be seen, since it is widely accepted that she is running for president.

Coretta Scott King may have had her faults, but in public she presented herself as a gentle lady, true to her husband’s vow of nonviolence. When one looked at pictures of her, one saw a dignified person, carrying on the legacy of her husband, with little or no rancor. She was an endearing public figure. Her final representation before the American people was demeaned by angry political rhetoric. She deserved better at her funeral.

Barbara Anderson

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Biography - Barbara Anderson

Barbara regularly writes for CapitolHillCoffeeHouse. She also appears in California Chronicle, Border Patrol, and Citizens Caucus. Her primary interest is illegal immigration, but she writes about other subjects as well.

Barbara lives in a large city on the West Coast. Her loyalties are with God, family, country, heritage and borders.

She enjoys music, painting, poetry and song writing.

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Copyright © 2006 by Barbara Anderson
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