WEBCommentary Contributor

Author: Nicholas Stix
Date:  February 3, 2009

Topic category:  Other/General

Oregonian Commissar Betsy Hammond Tries to Get Dissenting Reader Fired from His Job

Newspapers' letters to the editor sections promise readers the opportunity to debate the papers' staffs. My readers don't need me to tell them, however, that the reality has long been that the leftists controlling such pages hate Middle Americans, and either publish only letters that agree with their socialist-communist-whatever party line, or occasionally publish a wimpy, watered-down, token criticism. My supportive readers often insist, as one did last month, "Please don’t use my name. I need to keep my job."

Of late, however, there has been change. While lefty "reporters" have for some time sought through their stories to destroy the lives of private people whom they hate, some are now taking it upon themselves to try and destroy dissenters' lives on their own time. Take The Oregonian's Betsy Hammond. Please.

On Saturday night, while some people had pre-Super Bowl parties, and millions anticipated the big game, a journalistic scandal began spreading through the ether. Political/immigration reform Web site VDARE.com, where I am a contributor, has a regular Saturday Forum feature, devoted entirely to letters from readers and staff responses, usually by letters editor/columnist, Joe Guzzardi.

While VDARE readers routinely bring disturbing facts to light, I can’t recall the last time I read a more disturbing Forum.Betsy Hammond is an alleged reporter for Portland’s The Oregonian newspaper, who has little love for white people, but who professes much love for “diversity.” The term for someone who hates an entire race is “racist.”

Two weeks ago, Hammond editorialized in a “news” article, “In a changing world, Portland remains overwhelmingly white,” that Portland has way too many white people, and is a racist redoubt. A white VDARE reader, a transplanted Portlander living in Atlanta, criticized Hammond in a letter to VDARE, noting the repeated violent and property crimes he had suffered at the hands of blacks and Hispanics in Atlanta, offering to switch places with her.

The reader’s letter had been published by VDARE pseudonymously, and without naming the writer’s employer. However, the letter writer had made the mistake of showing Hammond the courtesy of writing to her under his own name, and mentioning the firm he works for.

As Guzzardi revealed on Saturday, Hammond responded to the man’s honesty by writing to his employer, painting the employee as a racist for being honest about his experiences and his desire to protect his family, and attempting to blackmail the employer into firing the employee, by making a thinly veiled threat to ruin his business by depicting him as employing racists, if he did not submit to her demand.

I am a newspaper reporter in Portland, Oregon, and I received an email today from an employee of your firm. I would be surprised if a business such as yours could thrive in DeKalb County if the corporate image you project is that your employees wish they could flee to, quoting him, a ‘GREAT WHITE’ area to avoid diversity.Is this how you like your firm represented to the media?

As Hammond well knew, most employers submit to such pressure; fortunately, this particular employer did not.

Betsy Hammond is a monster, but she is hardly unique. The so-called news business employs thousands of monsters just like her. When they learn that some private citizen has disagreed with their politics, if they can’t silence him, they try to destroy him personally and professionally. They will call his employer, and ask the latter how he feels about employing such a man, until the boss fires the worker, to avoid further embarrassment. (At least one current New York Times “reporter” did just that a number of years ago, in order to get an American patriot fired from his job. Rather than being fired from his job, the alleged reporter was celebrated for his malicious conduct, and rewarded with his present job.) They will go to the point of inducing people to commit crimes, in order to furnish the alleged reporters with material with which to smear private citizens, as “reporters” did to “Joe the Plumber” Wurzelbacher last summer, when Wurzelbacher disagreed with “Barack Obama” at a public forum, and got “Obama” to drop his guard, and reveal his socialism.

Another tactic will be, when writing a story about a private citizen whom a “reporter” hates who has not been formally charged with any crime, but who has nonetheless been unofficially charged by enemies with having committed crimes, for the “reporter” to walk around the target’s neighborhood, knocking on every door, saying, “Did you know that your neighbor, Joe Schmoe, has been [unofficially] charged with X, Y, and Z? What do you think about that?” The point is to ruin the target’s life.

The “news” business is dominated by extremely opinionated leftists who, like their Führer, don’t give a damn about truth. They are concerned only with power. The Betsy Hammonds of the world are not journalists; they are political commissars.

The danger that Hammond and her ilk pose, is one reason why I recommend pseudonymously submitting letters to newspapers.

For her part, Betsy Hammond might just end up with a promotion and a raise for going the extra mile, in proving her ideological mala fides.

Nicholas Stix
Nicholas Stix, Uncensored

Biography - Nicholas Stix

Award-winning, New York-based freelancer Nicholas Stix founded A Different Drummer magazine (1989-93). Stix has written for Die Suedwest Presse, New York Daily News, New York Post, Newsday, Middle American News, Toogood Reports, Insight, Chronicles, the American Enterprise, Campus Reports, VDARE, the Weekly Standard, Front Page Magazine, Ideas on Liberty, National Review Online and the Illinois Leader. His column also appears at Men's News Daily, MichNews, Intellectual Conservative, Enter Stage Right and OpinioNet. Stix has studied at colleges and universities on two continents, and earned a couple of sheepskins, but he asks that the reader not hold that against him. His day jobs have included washing pots, building Daimler-Benzes on the assembly-line, tackling shoplifters and teaching college, but his favorite job was changing his son's diapers.

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