Topic category: Other/General
God's Strange Act
People who have not taken the time to introduce themselves to the Holy Scriptures might find aspects of God that are fearful and frightening. Indeed, "hell" is not a place most of us want to look at in its full dimension. But if we want to fully understand God's mercy, we must look at why God would take such a stand against sin and its results.
That is why the apostle Paul said, knowing the terror of God, we persuade men. God does a work that is beyond an image that we as Christians feel comfortable revealing to those who need to understand for their own good. Isaiah 28 calls the work of God his strange work, his strange action. It is strange to men, but not to God. Because God is all love, His judgment of evil is just and good.
One day God will perform what He calls "a strange act" of destroying evil forever. There is a place that will be prepared for that final outcome. Lucifer with all of the fallen angels, along with those who lived their lives in sin, without the atoning blood of Christ, will be cast into a lake of fire. This is called God's strange act. Because The Great I Am is love, he prevails over evil by finally destroying it in fire.
In today's current events, we see a particular faith that has captured everyone's attention. It seems that those who embrace this religion do not understand that they themselves might be the recipients of God's strange act if they do not change their barbarous ways. It is our duty to inform radical Islam with truth. There is no honey coating the word of God. If sin is not relinquished, eternal death is the unfortunate outcome.
Phillippians 2:12 "Workout your own salvation with fear and trembling."
While Muslims protest in the streets wearing their terrifying garb of Jihad, Christians will invite souls to look at the cross that transforms lives to a higher calling without the use of force, threats, and beheadings.
There is no compromise with sin and it's destroying effects. God eventually will step upon this earth's history once again and take a commanding control. The Lord will vanquish evil once and for all at His Second Coming.
"The great controversy is ended. Sin and sinners are no more. The entire universe is clean. One pulse of harmony and gladness beats through the vast creation. From Him who created all, flow life and light and gladness, throughout the realms of illimitable space. From the minutest atom to the greatest world, all things, animate and inanimate, in their unshadowed beauty and perfect joy, declare that God is love." The Great Controversy
There is much to be said about the teaching of Islam and virgins who await those who kill infidels as their reward. The only virgins worth mentioning are in the Bible. The ten foolish young women did not have their spiritual lamps lit. This is a good opportunity to point to those within the Muslim faith and appeal to them to use some eye salve. They need to grasp the folly everyone else is seeing.
The words of a dead saint are truly more prophetic than ever. "Show me just what Muhammad brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached. " 14th-century Byzantine Christian Emperor Manuel Paleologos II
The following are a few lines from an AP article: Al Qaeda in Iraq to Pope Benedict XVI: 'You and the West Are Doomed'
"Protests broke out in South Asia and Indonesia, with angry Muslims saying Benedict's statement of regret a day earlier did not go far enough. In southern Iraq, demonstrators carrying black flags burned an effigy of the pope.
"Islamic leaders around the world issued more condemnations of the pope's comments, but some moderates in the Middle East appeared to be trying to put a damper on the outrage, fearing it."
God is love. He stands like a gentleman and he knocks at the door of man's heart. He waits to be invited in. This everlasting gospel expounds with redeeming love, and calls to a sick, sin filled world: Isaiah 1:18 "come let us reason together." The Lord of all beckons and invites His erring children. The Almighty came to save and to redeem the world. There certainly is a compelling difference between Islam and Christianity, the religion of peace. Our God is love, his name is Jesus Christ
Marie Jon'
Biography - Marie Jon'
Marie Jon' is a political/religious-based writer.
In addition to having written for WEBCommentary, Marie's writings have appeared on many sites, including The New Media Journal, ChronWatch, and Commonconservative, to name a few. Marie is no longer writing online commentary.
Marie's refreshing and spirited point of view is reflected in her writings, genuine and spiritual opinions regarding God and his teachings. Marie is a practicing Christian, a nurse, a student of the Bible, and a patriot. Many of Marie's articles are a reflection of her great admiration for those who served in Iraq and Afghanistan. She is an advocate for the troops, as well as the Blue and Gold Star Mothers of America, and their families. Marie has appeared as a guest with political talk show host Bruce Elliott on WBAL-1090 AM.