Topic category: Other/General
Don't Pee Down My Leg And Tell Me It's Raining
Mr. President:
With all due respect, the “political capital” you once declared that you possessed was spent a long time ago.
Long before you murdered what you call the psyche of this nation with your bad speeches, arrogance, and refusal to admit your mistakes.
As a veteran of this nation's armed forces who bled for his colors and country;
One who served under your father, and supported you through 2 elections and 2 wars;
Since none of your yes-men seem up to the task, I believe I have earned the right to give you an honest assessment of why your poll numbers are in the toilet, why they will remain so, and why your cynical attempt to patronize the American people with your baloney is going to fail. Let this forever be an indelible mark on your legacy, how you spit on those who elected you to office.
First, you commit this nation to war in Iraq, based on flimsy, inaccurate intelligence, and an insatiable desire to get revenge for an assassination attempt on your father by the tyrant Hussein. In the process, you completely disregarded the recommendations of General Eric Shinseki to invade with an overwhelming force composed of several hundred thousand troops.
Then you allow us to get bogged down into a war of attrition with people who have no regard for human life, and who only have to wait for a convoy to pass by and push a button to kill US soldiers, instead of facing them in a fair firefight.
You insult every living US veteran by remaining silent while Military leadership throw a US Navy Corpsman and 7 Marines into the Brig at Camp Pendleton for faithfully following the Rules Of Engagement that they set out. These men have been languishing there behind bars for months, and you are completely mute.
And now, you have the nerve to go on television and give a speech where you don't make a case for victory, or what we have to gain by decisively winning in Iraq, but what we have to lose, if we don't stay and continue to absorb enemy car bomb attacks, and act as a magnet for the scum of the earth.
What is your plan for finishing this thing? Oh, that's right. Stay the course, and stand down when the Iraqis stand up.
If these are truly Islamic Fascists as you like to refer to them; If they are the totalitarian threat to world democracy that you say they are, then why isn't the 1st Armored Division rolling over terrorist corpses in the Sunni Triangle?
Stop playing politics. Get your head out of the sand. Come up with a strategy to bring the proper level of force to bear against this enemy to win. After all, what good are huge muscles, if you have no spine?
It's Time to release The Pendleton 8, and drop the charges against all of these men..
Jayme Evans
Biography - Jayme Evans
Jayme Evans is a veteran of the United States Navy, a military analyst, conservative opinion columnist, and an advocate for disabled and other veterans. He has served for many years as a Subject Matter Expert specializing in the testing of systems software for numerous major US organizations. He has extensively studied amateur astronomy and metallurgy, as well as military and US history. His brutally honest, in-your-face political commentary has been published in many west coast newspapers, and he is a regular contributing columnist to a multitude of internet sites, including, The Conservative Voice, and Conservative Crusader. Mr. Evans has also written guest editorials for Military Magazine, and he has been a frequent guest columnist on WorldNetDaily, writing about legislative and veteran's issues.