Topic category: Other/General
Liberals Love and Protect the CIA... And Here's Why
by Jim Kouri, CPP
I recently saw a political cartoon which said much about today's political climate in the United States, especially within the Democrat Party and the news media:
A teacher is discussing the infamous turncoat Benedict Arnold with her fourth-grade class as part of their studies of the American Revolution. The school teacher explains what Arnold did to the his commander, George Washington, to his fellow soldiers and his nation by divulging military secrets.
Then the teachers asked her class: "What do we call someone who does such things?"
From the back of the classroom, a little girl excitedly replies: "A Pulitzer Prize winner."
This political joke illustrates something most conservatives know: the liberal-left in the US will do anything and everything to undermine their own country during a time of war. And they want us to praise them for it. Senator John Kerry is a perfect example of that mindset.
We all know the story of Johnny "Comes Marching Home" Kerry. Upon returning from a four-month stint in Vietnam, he created a name for himself as an "antiwar" activist, denigrating his comrades in arms at every turn. During his run for the White House, he used the tactic many liberal-left politicians, pundits and activists use: he rhetorically asked, "Are you questioning my patriotism?"
Just once I wish some Republican lawmaker or Bush Administration staffer would respond, "Sir (or madam), what patriotism?"
This week we're witnessing the result of President Bush nominating a career military and intelligence expert for the vacant CIA director post. Bush chose a general whose decades of service to his country entailed the study and implementation of tactical and strategic intelligence. In a previous article, I touched on Gen. Michael Hayden's credentials and accomplishments which should impress just about everyone -- except for liberals. They are more impressed by the poetry of a Maya Angelou or the tirades of an Al Gore.
The liberals say they are very concerned over the nomination of Hayden. How dare Bush nominate a military man who actually knows how to run a clandestine operation? "What's he trying to do to our beloved CIA?" they say.
What's this nonsense about not wanting a military man heading a civilian intelligence agency? The CIA is a paramilitary agency. It depended on maintaining a quasi-military structure, which over the years deteriorated into what CIA has sadly become. This is exactly the right time to bring military discipline into an agency that's obviously out of control.
Intentionally or unintentionally, liberals want their military, law enforcement and intelligence agencies to be ineffective. And if they're not ineffective, they'll help it along until they are satisfied that these agencies are so deficient and useless, they'll rival other government agencies liberals love -- Department of Education, social service departments, etc. -- for their sheer incompetence and disarray.
Our friends on the left are protecting their beloved CIA from "partisan politics." Which means they are protecting the CIA from becoming something more than a liberal think-tank staffed by Harvard grads with as much streetsmarts as cloistered nuns.
Listening to Democrats and Republicans talk about intelligence operations is much like listening to my wife talk about football -- they have very limited knowledge and even more limited interest.
Why do these politicians -- and many Americans -- believe that because they are able to sucker people into voting for them, makes them experts in military strategy, intelligence gathering and analysis, law enforcement, and other fields of endeavor? A hack politician who spends a great deal of time in their House of Senate seat merely becomes an experienced hack.
When I worked in law enforcement back in the day, and if a political leader came into the squad room and read a new policy that prohibited officers and detectives from utilizing informants who were "unsavory" characters -- drug addicts, bank robbers and the like -- we would have cuffed him and taken the lunatic to New York's infamous Bellevue Hospital Psychiatric Unit for much needed observation.
But that's exactly what the liberal-left elected leaders did in 1995. The so-called Torricelli Principle -- named after a disgraced New Jersey political hack -- was proposed in congress to a very cool reception by the Republicans who had just taken over the House leadership. So President Bill Clinton decided to bypass congress and issued an executive order that prohibited CIA agents from using "unsavory characters" as informants or, as the CIA calls them, "assets." Starting in 1995, thanks to a corrupt New Jersey politician and a draft-dodging President, agents were no longer permitted to "control" assets who were drug traffickers, terrorists, organized crime figures, gunrunners, thieves and cutthroats -- the scum of the earth who actually know what's going on within the international underworld.
These were the incompetent boobs who believed that the CIA was more evil than the enemies of the United States. And they still believe it. The degradation that exists within the CIA is just what the doctor ordered for our friends on the left.
While I expect such nonsense to emanate from the Democrat Party, I find it detestable coming from Republicans, the party of Ronald Reagan.
Several Republicans, including House Intelligence Chairman Peter Hoekstra (R-MI), and Sen. Saxby Chambliss (R-GA), have called Hayden's military background "troublesome in this case." Once again, Republicans are playing politics with an important issue. In an effort to show Americans they are distancing themselves from a political liability such as President Bush, they are joining the folks who undermine US national security at every turn. It's as if they believe liberals in November will say, "That Chambliss. What a guy! He kept that evil general away from the CIA. I'm going to vote for him."
The Senate Armed Services Committee could also hold a hearing about whether to re-approve Hayden as a four-star general serving in the CIA director's slot, a Republican Senate aide said, speaking on condition of anonymity to the Associated Press because the aide was not authorized to speak for attribution. Such a situation should anger every clear-thinking, patriotic American. A bunch of hack politicians sitting in judgment over a true patriot.
My response to all of this political jockeying by liberal-left politicos in both parties is simple: Damn it, if we can have a draft-dodger like Clinton nominated and elected as President of the United States, we can certainly have a decorated general with expertise in intelligence head the CIA!
Jim Kouri
Chief of Police Magazine (Contributing Editor)
Biography - Jim Kouri
Jim Kouri, CPP is currently fifth vice-president of the National Association of Chiefs of Police. He's former chief at a New York City housing project in Washington Heights nicknamed "Crack City" by reporters covering the drug war in the 1980s. In addition, he served as director of public safety at a New Jersey university and director of security for a number of organizations. He's also served on the National Drug Task Force and trained police and security officers throughout the country. He writes for many police and crime magazines including Chief of Police, Police Times, The Narc Officer, Campus Law Enforcement Journal, and others. He's appeared as on-air commentator for over 100 TV and radio news and talk shows including Oprah, McLaughlin Report, CNN Headline News, MTV, Fox News, etc. His book Assume The Position is available at Amazon.Com,, and can be ordered at local bookstores. Kouri holds a bachelor of science in criminal justice and master of arts in public administration and he's a board certified protection professional.