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"And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." - John 8:32
WEBCommentary Guest
Author:  J. D. Longstreet
Bio: J. D. Longstreet
Date:  January 2, 2009
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Hamas Wins! Hamas Defeats Israel! Say What?
America's Ignorance Is Now A Threat To The World!

Regardless how the fighting between Israel and Hamas ends, Hamas WILL claim victory. The process for announcing their "win" is already set up just waiting for the withdrawal of Israeli units from Gaza.

No matter how the fighting between Israel and Hamas turns out in theend, Hamas WILL claim victory. The process for announcing their "win"is already set up just waiting for the withdrawal of Israeli units fromGaza. Shortly after the Israeli forces turn toward home, watch for apress conference to be called by Hamas and the International media willflock to their propaganda fest with willing hearts and willing pens towrite up the story of how Hamas bested the mighty Middle Eastern"Bully"… Israel.

I know, I know if sounds absolutely idiotic, but this is a very goodexample of how the MsM views the consumers of their product… as idiotswho will believe anything they tell us to believe. And the really scarything about this… they're not far wrong…especially when addressingtheir American readers, viewers and readers. As an American it saddensme beyond description.

It has been said that America's most expensive product this day and ageis out and out ignorance. I must say I believe that. We have a generalpopulation that cannot tell you who bombed Pearl Harbor and when. Theycannot tell the difference between the Declaration of Independence andthe US Constitution. And these are the people who voted Obama into theoffice of President of the United States. Now… go to bed tonight andtry to sleep while mulling that bit of knowledge over and over in yourmind during the wee hours.

One of the founding fathers of America, Thomas Jefferson, is reportedto have said: "If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, it expectswhat never was and never will be. No nation is permitted to live inignorance with impunity." As we have learned time and time again, thefounding fathers had a grasp of enduring truths we, their descendents,seem to have lost. You'll find an excellent article on America'signorance HERE.

It is embarrassing to live in a nation where our countrymen are justplain ignorant. But what's worse? How about living in a nation whereour ignorant countrymen don't seem to care that they are ignorant!Point out a fellow countryman's ignorance by asking him/her a fewsimple questions, and finding they don't know the answers, you may wellbe startled by a shrug of the shoulders the exclamation: "Well, who thehell cares, man?" If you have taken the time to read this article,chances are you have probably experienced this very scenario... right?Thought so.

We are a deluded people. We live with the false impression that we arethe most learned generation of Americans … ever. Ask a recent collegegraduate and chances are he/she will tell you they are the mostknowledgeable generation of Americans… ever. THAT'S what I mean bydeluded. Somehow we have made ourselves believe this gross untruth.

I have concluded that one of the reasons we have college graduates whoborder on the imbecilic is what I have come to believe is a result ofthe cheapening of a college education. Look, not everybody is entitledto a college education, not everybody is even suited for a collegeeducation. Now, I can see the red flags going up and I can hear thehowls of protest. As we used to say in the broadcasting industry, "Keepthem cards and letters coming in, friends!" And yes, our government islooking for ways to make it possible for everyone to go to college. Itis just another way of using up space in the college classrooms thatshould be reserved for those who actually deserve to be there becausethey have a genuine interest in learning and a thirst for knowledge anda desire to put that knowledge to use in the service of their fellowcitizens once they earn their diploma. Those who are there for aperpetual party ought not be allowed on the campus.

The American public education system is in a shambles. It has collapsedof it's own weight. Once we strayed from the "basics" of education ourchild scholars began to slip behind the remainder of the world in raw,basic, education.

Now, why is that raw, basic, education so important? Because it is thefoundation upon which a good student builds a solid higher education …even a college education. Our elementary education is so "dumbed-down"these days that children who really have an aptitude for learning arebored to death and turned-off by the classroom offerings and they, too,are denied the opportunity to learn. It is a shame what we are doing toour would-be child scholars in the American public education system.

Back in the day, we had institutions known as trade schools. They wereschools set-up especially to train young men and women in a trade oftheir choice which would provide them with the training they would needto carve out a place for themselves in America's workforce and insurethey would become contributing members of our society and furtherprovide them with the dignity of, not just a job, but a trade. Having atrade, back in my day, was important. Even if one DID go on to anadvanced education the security of having a "fall-back" trade wasconsidered extremely important. There are still a few trade schoolsaround but they ARE few and far between.

There was a period in America when we understood that some young peoplesimply were not cutout as college material. Yes, there were, and are,folks who had/have no reasonable excuse for taking up space in acollege classroom. That has always been the case. But in the past fewdecades we decided it was politically incorrect to say such a thing oreven to admit it to ourselves. As a result we have a high percentage ofcollege graduates leaving those hallowed halls with no more educationthan they had when they entered 2, 4, or more years earlier. Yes, it ISsad, but it is true, nonetheless.

Back to Hamas winning the current conflagration in Gaza… the "HamasWins" propaganda has already begun. And you, my fellow Americans, areexpected to believe that. Still doubt me? Look and see who thePresident-Elect of America is today. A few months and years down theroad from now, ask yourselves why the dickens you voted for that man?Then remember what you were told by the MsM, and even more important,ask yourselves what you were NOT told by the MsM about the candidate.And finally, ask yourselves why you did not take the time to do alittle light research on your own to gather the facts and make yourdecision on that instead of just accepting the tailor made, dumbed downpropaganda fed you hourly by the MsM. If you do not feel humbled bywhat you discover… then there simply is no hope for America.

J. D. Longstreet

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Biography - J. D. Longstreet

J. D. Longstreet is a conservative Southern American (A native sandlapper and an adopted Tar Heel) with a deep passion for the history, heritage, and culture of the southern states of America. At the same time he is a deeply loyal American believing strongly in "America First".

He is a thirty-year veteran of the broadcasting business, as an "in the field" and "on-air" news reporter (contributing to radio, TV, and newspapers) and a conservative broadcast commentator.

Longstreet is a veteran of the US Army and US Army Reserve. He is a member of the American Legion and the Sons of Confederate Veterans. A lifelong Christian, Longstreet subscribes to "old Lutheranism" to express and exercise his faith.

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