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"And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." - John 8:32
WEBCommentary Guest
Author:  Barbara Anderson
Bio: Barbara Anderson
Date:  February 12, 2006
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Living the American Dream Illegally

In an historical session the U.S. Congress passed legislation to stem the flow of illegal immigration. There were many amendments offered and debated, but the passing of the legislation was primarily the result of disenchanted constituents telling their lawmakers to do something about the invasion of illegal immigrants coming into the country. The provisions passed were these:

All businesses must use an electronic system to check if all new hires have the legal right to work.

A security fence and other physical infrastructures must be built along the entire Mexican border.

The federal government has to stop its catch and release program in which it tells local governments to release most of the illegal aliens that they catch. It mandates cooperation with local authorities in picking up all illegal aliens they detain.

For the first time since 1924 a chamber of congress voted to reduce legal immigration by passing an amendment to end the visa lottery that awards 50,000 green cards to randomly selected winners.

Some legislators said the bill did not go far enough and some said it went too far. Perhaps if some of these more stringent laws had been in effect sooner, one illegal alien, Gilberto Cruz Hernandez, 24, of Winston-Salem, would not have evaded being brought to justice for his breaking of several laws.

Hernandez was found indigent in court proceedings shortly after his October 28 arrest in the first of assaults he was charged with between May 2004 and February 2005. Hernandez is facing charges stemming from a series of alleged sexual assaults in Greensboro, High Point and Winston-Salem. It is believed that he committed up to nine rapes, in addition to other crimes. He had been ticketed eleven times for speeding and other driving infractions, but none resulted in detention as an illegal alien, a prior deportee or a potential threat to public safety.

He received a taxpayer provided attorney, Assistant Public Defender Paul James. To be eligible, an applicant must prove he doesn’t have enough money or assets to hire a lawyer at his own expense. James has said an interpreter may be necessary because Hernandez felt more comfortable speaking in his own language. Of course, the interpreter would also be paid for by taxpayers.

Hernandez apparently had a job that paid $44,000 a year and spoke English well enough to be employed by a printing company. He was able to buy a home with another person, presumed to be his wife, in Winston-Salem with a $122,970 loan backed by the federal government. This is the same federal government that had twice deported Hernandez.

If a 24 year old illegal alien who spoke English questionably well and with no prior assets before entering this country could live as many Americans do, (even to fulfilling the American dream of home ownership), crossed our southern border and blended into society, what is to stop an al-Qaida operative from doing the same? However, an al-Qaida operative would most likely have more support and financial assets to back him/her up. Also, the operative would presumably be smart enough to stay out of range of law enforcement. That would be a simple thing to do. Witness how many times Hernandez broke the law and went on to live the American Dream.

The U.S. House of Representatives has done its job. It has put into place some barriers to illegal aliens crossing our border and then living as any American citizen is allowed to live. However, there are rumors that the Senate will exert its will in conference as the two houses meld their bills. That will has been said to include what is called a “guest worker” mandate. Although it has become a politically charged word, amnesty is the only way to describe the proposal, since every illegal alien here would be able to stay, and even work toward citizenship. The “guest worker” mandate is being pushed by President Bush and some legislators. There would be no automatic deportation. The House has heard from its constituents and heeded the calls. It is time for the Senate to listen, as well.

Barbara Anderson

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Biography - Barbara Anderson

Barbara regularly writes for CapitolHillCoffeeHouse. She also appears in California Chronicle, Border Patrol, and Citizens Caucus. Her primary interest is illegal immigration, but she writes about other subjects as well.

Barbara lives in a large city on the West Coast. Her loyalties are with God, family, country, heritage and borders.

She enjoys music, painting, poetry and song writing.

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Copyright © 2006 by Barbara Anderson
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