WEBCommentary Guest

Author: Jim Wrenn
Date:  January 22, 2013

Topic category:  Other/General

President Obama proclaims the Declaration of Dependence
In his Second Inauguration, President Obama proclaims the Declaration of Dependence to Inaugurate the Untied States of America to henceforth be untied to the static, unimaginative philosophy of Eighteenth Century Males who were utterly lacking in mynhood.

Hereafter, instead of mindlessly seeking to be a nation of laws in the form of written principles in the Constitution governing three branches of government in a way to prevent one branch usurping the powers of the others and of the people, we shall follow the Modern Path of seeking to be a nation Dependent upon a Living Constitution addressed to "Ye the People" and embodied in the Minds of Our Beloved Leaders who are blessed with the Wisdom to best know what principles ought to be deemed most important at any given time without being "wedded" (a now obsolete societal concept anyway) to the antiquated views of Eighteenth Century Males.

            In his Second Inauguration, President Obama proclaims the Declaration of Dependence to Inaugurate the Untied States of America to henceforth be untied to the static, unimaginative philosophy of Eighteenth Century Males who were utterly lacking in mynhood.  Hereafter, instead of mindlessly seeking to be a nation of laws in the form of written principles in the Constitution governing three branches of government in a way to prevent one branch usurping the powers of the others and of the people, we shall follow the Modern Path of seeking to be a nation Dependent upon a Living Constitution addressed to "Ye the People" and embodied in the Minds of Our Beloved Leaders who are blessed with the Wisdom to best know what principles ought to be deemed most important at any given time without being "wedded" (a now obsolete societal concept anyway) to the antiquated views of Eighteenth Century Males.  People to the Power!

In the box immediately below are the stirring words of our new Declaration of Dependence.

 The Declaration of Dependence

In Washington, D.C., January 21, 2013.

Declaration of Dependence for Inhabitants of the Untied States of America:

When in the Course of Humyn events, it become necessary for one persyn to dissolve the political bondage to the dictates of ancient, white Euro-Centric Male Landowners, which dictates have heretofore enslaved the Modern Inhabitants of that part of what once was the Northern/Western remnant of the Pre-European-Invasion Super-Continent of Pangea, and to assume among the powers of Nature, the equal status to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's Good and Proper Clause entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of Humyns requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the dissolution.

We hold it to be self-evident that all modern humyns are endowed with unalienable Ruth by the Obamanator, that among these are :Loaf, Libating, and the Happiness of Pursuit of the Obamanator's Goals.-- That to secure these Rites, Obama was elected by the Modern Humyns thereby deriving his just powers from the con of the governed, -- That whenever any Status of Liberty becomes disharmonious with such Rites, it is the Rite of the People to relinquish such status and to institute new Rites laying their foundation on principles of Collective Harmony and organizing such Rites in such manner as to Obama shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. 

Therefore, the Dead Constitution drafted by the now-dead Euro-Centric Males is hereby replaced with the Living Constitution, which can only speak through the wise lips of its Prophet, Obama, or such Administrators as He may appoint to implement his Will.

To that End, the new, Living Constitution shall begin by addressing "Ye the People" with the command to comport themselves at all times in harmony with Nature's Will as Revealed by Obama (or by such Administrators as He may from time to time appoint as Interpreters thereof).  The Agency heretofore primarily responsible for such interpretations under the pseudonym "Environmental Protection Agency" shall henceforth be known by its true name and mission as the "Environmental Perfection Agency."   The agency heretofore pseudonymically known as the Center for Disease Control shall henceforth be known as the Center for Diagnostic Categorization to identify and classify for re-education those people still afflicted with the mental burdens of outdates precepts of seeking individual progress at the expense uniformly collective progress or the mental burdens of obsessive, irrational notions of a need for possession of weaponry for protection, which irrational fears spring from their heretical views that the Collective may be unable to protect them from other mentally unbalanced inhabitants.

Finally, to promote Peace and Harmony throughout all lands of the Earth, the Department of Defense will be replaced by a bigger, better-funded Civilian National Security Force which will steadfastly resist fear-mongering claims by the not-yet-re-educated inhabitants that other powers on Earth may pose threats to the security of our Collective, and we Hereby Declare that Henceforth we are the Untied States of America -- Untied to the Dead, Eurocentric Males who lacked Mynhood.



Among the most important accomplishments of this Declaration of Dependence is that it replaces the out-moded concept of individual "rights" to act autonomously with the modern concept of "Rites" involving the duty of inhabitants of the Untied States of America to scrupulously follow prescriptions and obey proscriptions of their leaders to experience the benefit of things to which they can thereby be deemed "entitled" and to thereby enjoy the Happiness of Pursuit of the Collective Good as described from time to time by President Obama (or whomever he may designate as his Administrative Assistant for such purposes).

               As was most insightfully stated by leaders of Organizers for Obama, now to be known as Organizers for Action, "We are all little siblings now":


--Jim Wrenn, Editor at PoliSat.Com. Permanent links to this installment: 





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Jim Wrenn
Political Satire/Commentary at PoliSat.Com (Editor)

Biography - Jim Wrenn

Jim is a proud descendant of 18th Century criminal exiles from England who swam to the Outer Banks when the British ship taking them to a Georgia penal colony sank in a storm near Cape Hatteras. Having the prescience to prevent their descendants from becoming "TarHeels," they immediately migrated to Virginia, where, within just a few generations they worked their way up into poverty. Jim's grandfather was the first in the family tree to see the distant horizons, but his career was cut short by severe injuries he sustained when a cousin cut down the tree.

After a brief stint in the Amry (ours) following graduation from law school, he began his legal career in the state bureaucracy but was never able to break into the federal bureaucracy. Several years later, he entered the private practice of law and co-founded a small law publishing company. Later, finding the publishing of small laws unstimulating and finding his private practice too private to be lucrative, he began writing political satire/commentary. His greatest vice is taking himself too seriously.

He wrote the definitive books on the Clinton Era Error: the Clinton Liebrary Book (pre-October, 2000), which he later updated as the Clinton Liebrary Book 2001 Edition to include Election 2000, the post-election shennanigans, and related events through August, 2001. The 2001 edition is the only known literary source that conclusively shows why Bill Clinton pardoned Susan McDougal but not Webster Hubbel. It also presciently contains the Billary/Hillary Dueling Memoirs. At every opportunity he shamelessly promotes his books for orders on-line or by fax at www.ClintonLiebraryBook.Com. He's also the Librarian at the Clinton Liebrary (www.ClintonLiebrary.Com), which owns exclusive rights to Bill Clinton's most famous speech as well as Bill Clinton's comments after revelation of the identity of Deep Throat in 2005.

As an amateur scientist as well as a scientific amateur, he de-bunks the man-is-causing-Global "Warming" theory, and predicts that by the middle of the 21st Century (when he will be safely dead) physicists will discover the obvious flaws in Einstein's Theory of Relativity, which will lead to vastly-faster-than-light travel through polarization of gravity. As a constitutional-law scholar, he's trying to teach those who hold a static, zero-sum-game view of economic and social theories to understand that "property" is not a "thing" but rather is a human right.

Although he regularly teaches Continuing Legal Education courses to lawyers, he's too-often available through he Rubber Chicken Speakers Bureau to speak on politics, satire, etc., at luncheons, dinners, root canals, funerals, etc. His speaking fees are so outrageously high they border on criminal price-gouging, but as a free-market advocate, he defends his fees on the higher moral ground of charging whatever the traffic will bear. For more information (surely more than one would want or need), go to www.PoliSat.Com.

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