WEBCommentary Guest

Author: Larry Wilke
Date:  April 18, 2009

Topic category:  Other/General

Mostly Unmoved

For some reason, the President of the United States of America is attending the “Summit of the Americas” (What?) taking place in Trinidad and Tobago. (Where?)

For some reason, the President of the United States of America is attending the “Summit of the Americas” (What?) taking place in Trinidad and Tobago. (Where?) This is the fifth such installment of this riveting political spectacle which can only bring credibility to a cluster of “nations” whose contributions to “the world” amounts to a few baseball players, sprinters and boxers as well as any number of massage parlor technicians, hotel housekeepers and maids.. This amazing assemblage of ankle biters has already started working over our representatives, the intrepid and inspirational team of Obama and Rodham.

Here the liberal “we are the world/kumbaya” commies had hoped to “buy the world a Coke” and to make nice with a group of nations whose combined GDP is less than the New York Yankees. These toads have an axe to grind and the “turn the other cheek” liberals present the best opportunity in the five year “history” of this so called “meeting” to kick the shins and gouge the eyes of the big guy without anything remotely resembling retribution. Numerous medical test have proven that liberals have flat line EEG’s but this group of progressive punching bags will simultaneously parade before the “world” the fact that they are without spines as well..

We have already seen wonderful pictures of the Venezuelan water bug, also known as the de facto lobbyist for “Fascist Fallin’ Fidel”, in a warm “soulful” handshake with the President of the United States. If Obama were more of a man, he would have tossed Chavez the keys to the Presidential limousine and told him to go park it for him and to not change the radio stations or hot lap it either.. This is the same worm that has routinely derided the United States, usually with the grimy Iranian imbecile at his side, neither of which are big enough to get on any rides at Six Flags, thus explaining their overall foul temperaments. All these “Americas” have is “talk”, until someone like the President of the United States appears to lend credibility to their little pinko powwow.

Just this morning, according to MSNBC, Chavez said, “I want to be your friend” to Obama. Chavez is insightful enough to know that Obama’s “friends” here in the REAL America are rewarded handsomely with the monies socialistically redistributed from others. Chavez just wants a payoff. He is basically Al $harpton with a better barber and tailor..

The night before, Obama “endured a fifty minute diatribe” from the “President” of Nicaragua, one Daniel “Who?” Ortega. This is surprising since Danny Boy was one of the many “world leaders” to publicly endorse the Obama candidacy along with several socialist party and liberal party “world leaders”.

In an article entitled, “Obama Endures Ortega Diatribe”, we are told that Obama sat “mostly unmoved but at times jotted notes..” Obama felt compelled to “move” the first time that he saw Chavez (la cucaracha) from across the room, he dashed over upon seeing the little fellah where the soulful handshake took place.. I remember how Reagan “moved” at Reykjavik.. Those days appear to be gone for at least the next four years.

When confronted by the press relative to the Ortega oration, Obama said, “It was fifty minutes long. That’s what I thought..” I am sure that one of the “jotted notes” said, “be sure to remember to capitulate and appease..”

Not to be outdone in the competition to be voted the MVP (Most Voluntary Patsy) at this “event”, our Secretary of Statists when asked about the Ortega embarrassment said, “I thought the cultural performance was fascinating. To have those first class Caribbean entertainers all on one stage and to see how much was done in such a small amount of space. I was overwhelmed..”

Had I have been there, I would have snapped the Bolshevik buffalo out of her solipsistic stupor by saying, “Madame Secretary, isn’t that Billy Bob over there handing a couple of Caribbean cuties a few copies of “Leaves of Grass” and some Gap gift certificates..?” I am underwhelmed that these “Communist Caribbean entertainers” are allowed to humiliate our nation and its “representatives” with unanswered bluster and bravado. You are the Secretary of State, not a jejune judge on “Dancing With the Czars”..

Even “senior administration officials” declined to criticize Ortega. These same types of “officials” who “criticize” veterans and citizens of the United States as dangerous right wing extremists, can’t seem to find the words to criticize any of these totalitarian tin horn despots posing as “leaders” of Bolshevik Banana Republics..

The inactions of the liberal whelps are no surprise to anyone even mildly observant. The liberals have always wanted to “level the playing field” by bringing the successful DOWN. By doing so, they lift the useless UP. The liberals and their “compassion” GIVE the worthless what they should EARN. In short, the liberals and those who have low self-esteem want to “buy” their friends. Here Obama and Rodham bring themselves and America down while artificially elevating the self-esteem of these perpetually unproductive “countries” by being unresponsive to their gibberish. The message is being received loud and clear that if you humiliate the hombres, they will grin and bear it..

Obama’s opportunity to speak at a summit that he had no reason to attend lasted seventeen minutes and afforded him the opportunity to answer the cackling of the Nicaraguan nitwit. Due to the Milquetoasty minions who accompanied him, he had to “depart from his prepared remarks” in order to “mildly rebuke Ortega”.. We all know what happens when Obama “departs” from the comfortable umbilicus of the teleprompter..

“I’m grateful that President Ortega didn’t blame me for things that happened when I was three months old..” This knee slapper was in reference to the 1961 Bay of Pigs invasion which another liberal Democrat backed out on.. The problem is that Brigada Asalto 2506 hit Cuba on April 17, 1961 and Obama was born on August 4, 1961.. Of course, that is based upon the birth certificate that has been released.. By that timeline, that would have made Obama an approximately four to five-month-old fetus. I would imagine that he is ever so glad that his mother didn’t consider the unborn to be as easily disposable as he does..

Obama has used this kind of elementary excuse to excuse himself from “controversy” before. His BFF Bill “Boy Scout” Ayers, was one of the justifiable thorns in his side during his cacophonous campaign. Obama had to “excuse” the lifetime of “achievements” by his BFF by saying, “..as a consequence of me knowing somebody who engaged in detestable acts when I was eight years old..” Inexcusable then, inexcusable now.

There is so much more to dissect within the Obama answer. “We cannot let ourselves be prisoners of past disagreements. I’m grateful that President Ortega did not blame me for things that happened when I was three months old..” This coming from a liberal who has blamed “some” Americans for “something that happened”, something that actually ended in 1865, when it has been politically beneficial.. Why does he allow so many in America to be “prisoners of past disagreements” relative to the twenty first-century shibboleth of slavery?

It appears that Obama is not only content with working towards bringing America and Americans down within our borders, he and his motley crew would like America to be “equal” to every “turd world country” not only within this hemisphere, but on the entire planet..

Maybe next week, Obama and Rodham can trundle off to the Republic of Nauru and take another flogging for the home team.. Teddy Roosevelt’s quote from years back went, “Speak softly and carry a big stick”. With Obama and his acolytes at the “Summit of the Americas”, it has morphed into, “Don’t speak, if you do, carry a big shtick”..

Larry Wilke

Biography - Larry Wilke

Larry Wilke is a full-time cynic and a part-time curmudgeon from St. Louis. You can read more about him at his blog https://noleftturnz.wordpress.com

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