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Date:  March 10, 2009

Topic category:  Other/General

What's Missing from the Global Warming Debate
By Norm Kalmanovitch, P.Geoph.

Apart from common sense, the only other aspect totally absent from the global warming debate is "global warming" itself. There is talk of emissions reductions, carbon trading, and even drowning polar bears; but there is no talk about actual current global temperature increases with the continuous increase in global CO2 emissions.

Apart from common sense, the only other aspect totally absent from the global warming debate is "global warming" itself. There is talk of emissions reductions, carbon trading, and even drowning polar bears; but there is no talk about actual current global temperature increases with the continuous increase in global CO2 emissions.

The December 2008 temperature data confirms that 2008 was the coldest year of the last decade, adding one more year to the cooling trend that started after 2002.

Common sense would dictate that after six years of cooling with only one year, 2005, being warmer than the previous year, the "global warming" debate would be over and the world would now be debating "global cooling" in earnest.

Apparently common sense was never part of this debate even when the globe was actually warming. Clouds block about 20% of the 1368 W/m2 of solar radiation. If cloud cover decreased and only blocked out 19% of the solar radiation or cloud cover increased and blocked out 21% of the solar radiation these 5% changes in cloud cover would equate to 13.68 W/m2 of either heating or cooling.

AGW is based on computer models that attribute forcing of just 3.71 W/m2 to a doubling of CO2 from the 280 ppmv, and somehow this is more likely to drive climate than a 5% change in cloud cover.

The actual physical properties of CO2 interacting with the thermal spectrum radiated by the Earth, dictate that far less than 10% of this 3.71 W/m2 is even physically possible. Remarkably, the world is committing economic suicide, starving the poor and ignoring real pollution problems, because an environmentalist lobby has convinced the world leaders that it is more likely that 0.371 W/m2 from CO2 emissions will cause catastrophic warming of the Earth, than 13.68 W/m2 from a 5% increase in cloud cover can cause serious cooling of the Earth.

The global climate models all state that we should be on a warming trend. The global temperature data sets all show that we are on a cooling trend.

The debate is now called “climate change” to avoid any reference to global temperature and the issue is somehow elevated to a level of such great importance that countries are actually debating whether to adhere to the dictates of the Kyoto Protocol for the purpose of stopping the now non-existent global warming, or save their countries economies using “Kyoto unfriendly” energy sources.

Norm Kalmanovitch, P.Geoph.
Calgary Canada

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Norm Kalmanovitch earned a Bachelor of Science in Geology from McGill University in 1970.

Kalmanovitch is a licensed professioinal geophysicist with The P.Geoph. designation. The "P.Geoph." is a professional license allowing its holder to practice geophysics in Alberta, Canada, and take responsibility for that work. Only geoscientists licensed with The Association of Professional Engineers, Geologists and Geophysicists of Alberta (APEGGA), or those practising under the direct supervision of a P.Geoph. licensed with APEGGA, have a legal right to practice geophysics in Alberta.

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