WEBCommentary Contributor

Author: Lawrence Rosner
Date:  June 22, 2022

Topic category:  Politically Correct Insanity

We interrupt your regularly scheduled Fake news to bring you the fake president passing gas.
Dems earn the Puke Green medal in the Olympic twisting of reality and synchronized sliming competition.

Crowing about what even Prez Obama called a gimmick, the fake Prez announces a whole 18 cent tax relief for 90 days. Based on the 40% more FED notes put into the economy due to the trillions spent by the Dems, gas prices equalized to 40% higher to equal the prices needed to achieve the prior spending power. That is the real and main reason for higher prices across the board. Fun fact - 100 a barrel in Today's Dem reduced value FED Note Dollars, is really only 60 dollars a barrel in Pre-Biden and Dem FED note purchasing power. All this tax relief will do is ... well ... nothing. The real way to fix this is to implement this www.TheSocietyProject.org

For some reason the WEBcommentary URL is posted before the link, thus breaking it, so I had to specify www.TheSocietyProject.org

Lawrence Rosner
The Society Project (Founder)

Biography - Lawrence Rosner

Lawrence spent his career solving the problems of major businesses. He created software, business processes and systems that save millions of dollars a year and make people’s work life easier and more productive. He was a founding partner in a company which is instrumental in streamlining the practice of medicine and helping both patients and Doctors cope with the problems created by government health care.

During an assignment on the 98th floor of the WTC in 1993, he experienced first hand Islamic Terrorists' nearly successful attempt to take down the WTC. He and tens of thousands of others were trapped in the building in darkness and choking smoke.

After the government’s whitewashing denial of the root cause of the bombing - the evil built into Islam, the deepening confusion of American values, the negative end results of unnecessary and even immoral government intervention, the deterioration of the US economy and widespread systemic government corruption and unchecked power, he founded The Society Project to provide a blueprint for restoring our unique government Of the People, not Above the people, as it has become.

The Society project is dedicated to restoring the Constitutional Republic of the United States by educating, motivating and facilitating people to act to repair our society, through the Amendment process, before our society becomes another of the world’s failures.

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