WEBCommentary Guest

Author: Tabitha Korol
Date:  March 29, 2016

Topic category:  Education Fraud & Corruption

The Joy of Witlessness
Those who know nothing of Islam and pretend that Islam counsels against war are witless.

Oberlin's assistant professor's hate mongering is reserved only for Jews and Israel, accusing them of imagined crimes while absolving Moslems of actual crimes. Although her condemnation does not conform to our laws, a spineless, inept and silent school president defends her right to Islamic jihad with our Freedom of Speech.

The Joy of Witlessness

By Tabitha Korol

Oberlin College’s assistant professor, Joy Karega, teaches Rhetoric and Composition. Whether pitifully ignorant of Islam or intentionally following a path of rhetoric and propaganda, a typical selection of her Facebook posts blames the Jews for 9/11 and for the Paris massacre, and claims that ISIS is run by Israel and America.

Not only is this untrue, libelous and offensive, but it is also amoral and dangerous; her lies could be inciting impressionable students to jihadi violence, thereby endangering Jewish students. Lacking scruples, she has responded to reasonable criticism with vitriol and defiance, choosing instead to ignore facts and engage in revisionist history. She further exacerbates the damage by assigning readings that explore the hazy realm of social justice, rejecting accuracy and true justice. How can an instructor so focused on accusations and mischief-making be expected to positively inspire the student writer’s creativity?

At the heart of her illogical behavior one might well find the seeds of envy and resentment. Her contempt reflects the Jew-hatred that is found in the Koran. The Jews were the ones who brought ethical and intellectual monotheism to the world and continue to create, invent, and make improvements to our everyday lives in innumerable ways, earning Nobel awards out of proportion to their small number, while Islamists remain fixed in the seventh century, continuing their offenses, bloodshed, destruction, and looting wherever they go.


Karega may be conflicted championing those who would have enslaved her merely for her skin color, and must opt for a change of narrative, a fictitious one in which she lays the responsibility on the Jewish people. The following solid facts about Israel’s acceptance of Jews worldwide, without regard to superficialities, may help her to escape from the fictitious world she has fashioned for herself.

Offering no evidence whatsoever, Karega openly denies that Islamists are responsible for the 9/11 attack. A psychologist may suggest that, being subconsciously ashamed of the Moslems, she projects their depravity onto Israel, but Karega’s naïve efforts to transfer blame are derided by the Moslem leadership and ISIS, who proudly distribute films for world recognition of their beheadings, burnings, and tortures. She cannot face the ugly truth that Islam is a religion of war.

Thus Karega is either quite “witless” or she has taken the path of civilizational jihad, joining the bloodless propaganda war. Spending her time writing hate material, leading a life without joy and compassion, she is fulfilling the Islamic principle of preferring death over life – preferring the lives of illiterate, violent males and emotionally and physically imprisoned/shrouded females, over life as we value it. Compare their ideology with the life lived by Israelis, the advanced little country that recently earned the title of Top 5 Happiest Countries in the World, according to the new Better Life Index report by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). (Under Obama’s watch, the US dropped to 13.)

It is reasonable to suggest that Karega is more than just witless. Her hate mongering and abuse are reserved only for Jews and Israel, accusing them of imagined crimes and absolving Moslems of actual crimes. Her immaturity, malice, bigotry, and fanaticism do not conform with freedom of speech, as specified by The Supreme Court’s established complex framework on the rule of false statements of facts, which can be subject to civil or criminal liability. Common limitations on speech relate to libel, slander, obscenity, incitement, fighting words, public security, public order, public nuisance, and oppression, under the harm principle, all of which appear to apply to this instructor. (Others are pornography, classified information, copyright violation, trade secrets, non-disclosure agreements, right to privacy, right to be forgotten, campaign finance reform, and perjury.)

Neither is Karega alone in her so-called witlessness. College officials who ignore the enmity and fail to protect the Jewish students from the abuser are complicit; they are also supporting the advancement of Sharia over America’s democracy. The College’s President Kislov has passively submitted to the Islamic ideology that demands supremacy. He remains a spineless failure, inept and silent, allowing the invectives to proliferate unchecked, which will encourage the “moderates” to join the ranks of the jihadi oppressors in their abuse of an unprotected prey. If he cannot defend his position of leadership and protect the students from Jew-hatred, he should step down. If he lacks the integrity and courage to safeguard the school’s citizens from verbal or physical discomfort, taking tuition fees from parents who believe their children are in a safe and scholarly environment, and if he cannot control a vicious renegade instructor, then he is not the man for the job.

Tabitha Korol

Biography - Tabitha Korol

Tabatha Korol left this mortal existence on January 20, 2022. She will be greatly missed by all those who knew her and those she's touched with her keen insights and intellect.

Tabitha Korol, author of “Confronting the Deception,” began her political career after 9/11, earned CAMERA’s (Committee on Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America) letter-writing award in 2009, and was cited as one of America’s modern-day, articulate, patriotic women in Frederick William Dame’s Three American Fur Hat Fighters for Freedom.

Her essays appear on Centinel2012, Conservative News and Views, Constitution.com, Dr. Swier, iPatriot, Israel’s Voice, JewishVoiceNY, Liberty News & Views, Lobbyists for Citizens, New Zeal, The Published Reporter, RenewAmerica, Ruthfully Yours, The Noisy Room, The United West, Virginia Christians Alliance, WebCommentary, Western Free Press, Whatfinger News, and others. Korol revised David Silberman’s book of Holocaust survivors’ accounts, “And You Saw That,” and edited David Pristash’s book, “Essay on Moral Philosophy in Western Civilization.” She also proofreads/edits a monthly city magazine.

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