WEBCommentary Guest

Author: CFACT
Date:  September 14, 2011

Topic category:  Climate/Climate Change/Weather

Play Methane Madness: put a cork in Gore's climate day

CFACT's new game trains online players to help “Pal Gore” control the climate by corking cows and watching them float away, only to realize neither humans nor cows are threatening the planet and Al Gore is the one full of hot air!

Al Gore is preparing to launch his latest manmade global warming disaster propaganda initiative. His new agitprop movie is scheduled to be broadcast worldwide today.

Many scientists are challenging the bogus “facts” and baseless assertions that dominate the program.

The CFACT is taking a more humorous approach. The new online game – Methane Madness – lets players debunk Al’s absurd predictions and prescriptions by putting corks in cows … so they can't emit more planet-warming methane flatulence. If they succeed in corking all the cows, players can move to higher gaming levels, and put a cork in Al’s own flatulence and hot air.

Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT)

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