WEBCommentary Guest

Author: Andrew Benjamin
Date:  August 16, 2014

Topic category:  Government/Politics

America needs to emulate Norman Podhoretz and do a quick political "about face"!
"When in doubt, go for the Republican"

Benjamin's commentary comes as an introduction to a thought-provoking interview of Norman Podhoretz by Ruthie Blum (his daughter) and titled, When in doubt, go for the Republican.

In an interview with his daughter, Ruthie Blum, a former liberal, as am I, who also voted for Jimmy Carter, Norman Podhoretz explains, in part, why we're no longer deluded with the politics of hate, ignorance, envy and resentment; why we turned to light from what had become a darkness rotting the human spirit the unsuspecting never saw coming.

It sprouted like an infection. Which is what it is.

Left-wing liberals are so seething with hate that they have no patience or ability to absorb the following truths. They just want to read what they can agree with and that which reinforces what they believe to be "safe."

Intelligence is limited. Stupidity is not.

One can conclude that what is not good for America isn't good for Israel or the world either (and vica versa), and this understanding is becoming apparent each and every day as it is displayed on prime time news and and in the historical record. As Podhoretz Jr said: "When in doubt, go for the Republican; he will at least be better for Israel -- ‎and certainly for America."‎

Obama has been a nightmare for America, he single-handedly weakened it to pre-WWII levels. I had predicted this in 2008, and he's now his getting the lowest ratings of any president in recent history -- I've been wholly vindicated. The world is exploding around him, it all started with his signal that America won't do a damned thing about it. Tens, hundreds of thousands have died as a result.

America has a lot of rebuilding to do and little with which to do it.

Andrew Benjamin

Biography - Andrew Benjamin

Andrew G. Benjamin is a real estate and tax specialist, equities trader, a former economic advisor to New York city mayor Rudy Giuliani; serving on the transition team's Subcommittee on Taxation, Finance and the Budget. Benjamin also wrote extensively about intelligence, political and economic issues, the Mideast and its history, terrorism, technology, high end audio, migration issues and transnational politics concentrating on Europe.

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