WEBCommentary Editor

Author: Bob Webster
Date:  April 16, 2024

Topic category:  Partisan Politics

Deconstructing Kamala Harris' Babblespeak
A wise man once said, "If she were smart, she wouldn't be so dumb!"

A recent interview with Vice President Kamala Harris on the I've Had It podcast with co-hosts Jennifer Welch and Angie "Pumps" Sullivan elicited some real Harrisbabble gems. Let's take a closer look at that adventure.

Recent articles appearing at Featured Headlines (featuredheadlines.com) headlined, “Kamala Harris:  2024 Election Could Be America’s Last Democratic One” and FoxNews (foxnews.com) headlined, “Kamala Harris agrees 2024 could 'genuinely' be the 'last democratic election'”, referred to a podcast interview with Vice President Kamala Harris by the I've Had It podcast co-hosts Jennifer Welch and Angie "Pumps" Sullivan. The Featured Headlines article concluded (my highlighting):

Referring to Trump’s leadership style, which is characterized by aggressive rhetoric, Harris remarked that empathy is a vital trait for real leaders, contrasting it with Trump’s approach. She underscored the election’s significance, acknowledging that many people share her frustrations with Trump.

The hosts chimed in, highlighting Trump’s penchant for expressing his views loudly and frequently, whether through social media platforms like Truth Social or news outlets like Newsmax. Harris agreed, likening Trump’s communication style to a “gigantic bark” without subtlety or nuance.

As the conversation intensified, Sullivan voiced a grave concern, suggesting that the 2024 election might be the last democratic one in America’s history. Harris concurred, acknowledging the ominous signs that Trump’s behavior and rhetoric signaled. The co-hosts elaborated on their point, emphasizing how Trump’s actions resemble those of dictators who don’t relinquish power willingly.

Harris shared her encounters with world leaders who have expressed genuine concerns about the integrity of the upcoming election and its implications for American democracy.

In her remarks, Harris conveyed a sense of urgency and apprehension about the future of democracy in the United States, echoing the sentiments of many who fear the near end of democratic norms and principles.

Let’s examine the above and comment on the tortured “babblespeak” that has become a trademark of VP Kamala Harris.

The first referenced paragraph above suggests VP Harris believes “that empathy is a vital trait for real leaders”, a trait that she contrasts with “Trump’s approach”.  This demonstrates the one-dimensional nature of Harris’ thought processes.

Typical of many Democrats, Harris confuses style with substance, failing to see the power and rationale behind Trump’s style.  Where Trump seems firm and clear-speaking to normal people, Democrats see a “dictator” in waiting.  In other words, Democrats see what they want to see, not what really is, because what they want to see is food for them to feed their political fantasies.

The “hosts chimed in” by referring to news sources "like Truth Social or news outlets like Newsmax", that are frequented by normal clear-thinking people.  Such references were phrased to be derogatory in nature with the obvious intent to isolate such sources on the "fringe" of what the hosts deem acceptable. Such behavior exposes the infantile nature of those on the Left who cannot tolerate anything that fails to align with their self-indulgent fantasies.

When encountering inconvenient truth, they tend to pout and sneer at anything or anyone delivering the message.  Democrats nurture this herd-mentality to keep their “troops” in lline.  Independent thinking is an arch enemy of the Democrat Party.

Their likening of Trump’s style “to a ‘gigantic bark’ without subtlety or nuance” reveals the confusion that blinds them from comprehending the difference between style without substance and style motivated by substance.  Evidently, it never occurs to them that Trump’s style is motivated by substance.  Trump’s style is also a constant reminder that he’s not a “politician”.

Trump’s honest, direct style is easy for the average citizen to understand and appreciate.  The trait is common among honest ethical people of integrity.   Those lacking such qualities have only a sneering dishonesty motivating their pitiful innuendo and name calling.  Such dishonesty is typically delivered with “subtlety” and “nuance” by politicians who seek to deceive with their smooth-tongued villainy.  Evidently, that is the subtle nuanced messaging Democrats prefer.

True to their character, both the hosts and their guest proffered the notion that November’s election “might be the last democratic one in America’s history”, a notion that reveals how little they understand our constitutional republic.  It is also a brazen attempt to spread fear.  Not a single aspect of their notion is viable or has any basis in reality.

We neither now have, nor have we ever had, a “democracy”.  We've never used a “democratic” process to elect our President.  What we do have is universal suffrage for adult citizens in a republican form of government, which is entirely different from a “democratic” government.  At its core, a democracy is simply mob rule.  The mob of the majority. Democracy means, right or wrong, what the mob wants, the mob gets.  Remember the 2020 riots?  That's "democracy" on display.

The podcast’s hosts then opined, “Trump’s actions resemble those of dictators who don’t relinquish power willingly”, a comment clearly intended to nurture a belief that Trump would like to be a dictator who makes his own law and tries to stay in power indefinitely.  Such a highly partisan opinion is pure partisan fantasy.  This stunt was obviously designed to try to poison the campaign with the imbecilic notion that Trump wants to be a dictator.

It is ironic that Harris shares “her encounters with world leaders who have expressed genuine concerns about the integrity of the upcoming election” by implying that Republicans and Trump are planning to subvert the 2024 elections, apparently the way Democrats did in 2020.  Ironic because the real concern for 2024’s election integrity is whether Democrats will once again stop at nothing to brazenly commit massive election fraud, just to show the people that their votes really don’t matter. Remember, as was demonstrated to the world in 2020, the Democrat election motto is, “It isn’t who votes that counts, it's who counts the votes.”

Finally, “Harris conveyed a sense of urgency and apprehension about the future of democracy in the United States”, an apprehension that could only be possessed by someone dedicated to the destruction of our Constitutional Republic.

A snippet of history might be helpful.  While a Maryland delegate to the Constitutional Convention of 1787, James McHenry (1753-1816) kept a journal, part of which records the events of the convention’s last day, September 18.  He wrote (punctuation added for clarity):  “A lady asked Dr. Franklin, ‘Well Doctor what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?’ – ‘A republic,’ replied the Doctor, ‘if you can keep it.’”  Today, that same answer responds to a slightly different question, What have we got, a republic or a democracy?

As evidenced by the massive election fraud committed in 2020 (and most certainly planned for 2024), the Democrat Party of today is dedicated to replacing our Constitutional Republic with an authoritarian "People’s Democracy" that operates dictatorially. They despise our Constitution because it reserves most powers to the States and the People.  Today's Democrat Party is driven by a lust for a much more powerful federal government that can rule over every aspect of our lives. It is somewhat contradictory that any Democrat would be “apprehensive” about the future of mob rule led by a dictator because that is precisely the type of centralized power Democrats desire the most.

Remember, “democracy” is a subtle and nuanced term for “mob rule”. Democrats believe that mob rule is ideal, so long as they control the mob.




Bob Webster
WEBCommentary (Editor, Publisher)

Biography - Bob Webster

Author of "Looking Out the Window", an evidence-based examination of the "climate change" issue, Bob Webster, is a 12th-generation descendent of both the Darte family (Connecticut, 1630s) and the Webster family (Massachusetts, 1630s). He is a descendant of Daniel Webster's father, Revolutionary War patriot Ebenezer Webster, who served with General Washington. Bob has always had a strong interest in early American history, our Constitution, U.S. politics, and law. Politically he is a constitutional republican with objectivist and libertarian roots. He has faith in the ultimate triumph of truth and reason over deception and emotion. He is a strong believer in our Constitution as written and views the abandonment of constitutional restraint by the regressive Progressive movement as a great danger to our Republic. His favorite novel is Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand and believes it should be required reading for all high school students so they can appreciate the cost of tolerating the growth of unconstitutional crushingly powerful central government. He strongly believes, as our Constitution enshrines, that the interests of the individual should be held superior to the interests of the state.

A lifelong interest in meteorology and climatology spurred his strong interest in science. Bob earned his degree in Mathematics at Virginia Tech, graduating in 1964.

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