WEBCommentary Editor

Author: Bob Webster
Date:  March 9, 2024

Topic category:  Decline and Fall of the USA

Biden Does His Best to Imitate Adolf Hitler During His Drugged SOTU Rant
Biden's angry off-the-rails SOTU rant mimics the fiery lunatic rantings of Nazi Germany's Adolf Hitler.

If there is one chilling takeaway from Thursday's SOTU "address" it is how much that disgraceful exhibition resembled the style and content of Germany's lunatic leader who took power 91 years ago. The parallels go much deeper than the obviously drugged Biden rant. The entire hierarchy of the Democrat Party's power base in Washington, D.C. are every bit the power-crazed authoritarians as were Adolf Hitler's Nazi leaders of the 1930s and early 1940s.

The biggest annual show in Washington, D.C. has become the State of the Union (SOTU) address, typically given in January each year, but this year delivered in March due to Biden's deteriorating mental state and the time required to get him sufficiently "medicated" to deliver an hour or more of a nationally televised partisan political rant.

The 2024 version more resembled a highly partisan rant, than a SOTU address. Delivered with all the bluster and fury of one of Adolf Hitler's tirades to his Nazi followers, Biden's rant differed only in that Biden's delivery was punctuated by a host of mispronunciations, lost trains of thought, and awkward hesitations. But most noteworthy was Biden's crazed Hitleresque delivery that revealed more angry agitation than the sum of everything we've witnessed during the past three sickening years of Biden's public pronouncements. The 2024 SOTU rant would have been more appropriately staged as was one of Biden's rants back in September 2022. You may recall when in 2022 Biden used a dark black and red backdrop with eerie lighting disturbingly reminiscent of Adolf Hitler's National Socialist Party tirades of the 1930s.

Perhaps an equally deeply disturbing aspect of this highly partisan charade was the display of enthusiasm that the shrinking Democrat Party base displayed during the show. Yes, it was a show. Joe Biden coming just short of taking off his shoe and pounding the lectern. And yes, the Democrat Party is in deep decline, despite the best efforts of "the usual suspects" (the noise media) who are in complete denial of the real world.

Why is the Democrat Party going through the process of committing political suicide? Because the people are not fools. They now realize just how much Democrat election fraud was committed during the 2020 elections and again in 2022. The consequences of this fraud have succeeded because at that critical time Republican politicians didn't have the guts to stand up to the radical Democrat's "January 6" plan. I refer to the plan to assure the electoral college vote could not be successfully challenged by Congress on January 6, 2021.

With the cooperation of radical Left activists posing as Trump supporters and those corrupt Capitol Police who waved into the Capitol building both fake and real Trump supporters, the Democrats and their RINO friends in Congress succeeded in preventing any challenge from being mounted while pretending to be fearful for their lives while they hid in secure areas of the Capitol building. A clever plan facilitated by the "usual suspects" in our ignorant noise media who, rather than report the truth, dutifully repeated the lie that the protest events of January 6 were an "insurrection".

Parrot-like repetition of the word "insurrection" whenever they referred to the January 6, 2021 protest, the noise media to this day are still at it. As the radical Democrat party well knows, if they repeat a lie often enough, they will convince some people it is the truth! That is why Democrat politicians and their dupes continue to relentlessly parrot the "insurrection" lie. But consider this dose of reality. By the childish lies they continue to repeat, Democrats fail to realize that even more people are having their eyes opened to the dangerous nature of today's radicalized Democrat Party. The truth doesn't need a constant propaganda-style repetition to the people; lies do. By their endless repetition of the claim of an "insurrection", radical Democrats and their noise media toadies continue to hemorrhage their credibility with the people.

The dictionary defines insurrection as:  "A rising against civil or political authority, or the established government; open and active opposition to the execution of law in a city or state." Yet whose deliberate inaction facilitated the storming of the Capitol?

The real culprit was none other than the Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi. Speaker Pelosi had an obligation and the authority to secure the building but didn't lift a finger to use all the resources that were at her disposal. Pelosi had been informed well before January 6 that radical elements were prepared to use the protests to stage violent acts, potentially storming the Capitol building. Remember, Pelosi had the power to use all the reserves of the Capitol police. In addition, President Trump had given Pelosi prior approval to use National Guard troops to help assure that any demonstrations remained peaceful. Yet Pelosi did nothing. Pelosi's grossly negligent inaction directly led to the events inside the Capitol building.

It was not an "insurrection"... it was a consequence of Pelosi's "gross incompetence"! But, of course, the noise media dutifully parroted the prescribed narrative of "insurrection" to deflect Pelosi's irresponsibility onto their favorite punching bag, President Donald Trump and his followers.

It is this servile devotion to the radicalized Democrat Party that has earned the noise media the dishonorable position as this nation's de facto "Ministry of Truth" (see George Orwell's 1984).

The evidence clearly indicates that the claimed "insurrection" was a completely staged event by the Democrat Party designed to draw Trump supporters into the Capitol building, not to prevent the electoral count (the electors were counted without challenge) but to prevent any state from mounting a challenge to the electoral results tainted by massive Democrat election fraud.

Without infiltrated Leftists and government agents in plainclothes egging protesters on, there would have been no incursion into the Capitol Building. That is the reality and everyone who honestly evaluates the evidence knows that.

So instead of Trump supporters trying to overthrow the government (a laughable theory), in fact the whole "insurrection" propaganda from the beginning was designed to prevent the electoral fraud from being challenged and revealed. In other words, more fraud to protect the massive election fraud.

Do you now understand why the Democrat Party has become the greatest threat to our Constitutional Republic? Recall when Senate Majority leader, Chuck Schumer (D-NY) illegally threatened Supreme Court Justices:

"I want to tell you Gorsuch. I want to tell you Kavanaugh. You have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price. You won't know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions."

Talk about a dictatorial mindset. Who does Schumer think he is to brazenly and illegally threaten Supreme Court justices?

Think about this... has there ever in history been an "insurrection" where the insurrectionists were unarmed? Was there ever an "insurrection" during which the only casualties were unarmed innocents, in this case, one murdered without provocation by a Capitol policeman, the other trampled to death by people fleeing police action that incited a stampede?

No dead police. Two innocent protesters of massive election fraud, dead.

No, there was no insurrection. There was a justifiable peaceful protest that had been infiltrated by Leftist agitators who deliberately instigated what violence occurred. And it should not come as a surprise to learn that, of the thousands of people who have been harassed, questioned, jailed, and otherwise abused by the FBI, none of the radical Left infiltrators (infiltraitors?) were in any way held accountable! Yet today's Gestapo-like FBI is still rounding up innocent people and charging them with crimes on January 6, 2021. In addition to the known Leftist agitators, there were known government agents dressed as protestors who were recorded agitating the crowd.

Clearly, the so-called "insurrection" was completely staged by the radical Democrat Party to discredit President Donald Trump and his followers. The actions now being spearheaded by the criminally corrupt Attorney General Merrick Garland are a disgrace to his office and a clear violation of his oath. Garland is a political operative with all the characteristics of Joseph Goebbels during his infamous reign as Hitler's Minister of Propaganda..

Our nation has reached a critical point in its history. We either use the 2024 elections to thoroughly reject (politically annihilate) the radical Democrat Party as a political force or our Constitutional Republic will cease to exist.

Recall how frequently the puppet Biden mouths the phrase "our democracy" at every opportunity. This phrasing is often repeated in speeches and interviews with Democrat politicians and it is parroted by the thoroughly discredited noise media. Yet it is a lie that deeply insults the nation and it is an affront to our Constitutional Republic.

How many people are aware that the word "democracy" in any form does not appear anywhere in either of our founding documents, our Declaration of Independence and Constitution?

Why? Because democracy ("mob rule") was specifically rejected by our Founders. They knew how people riding under the banner of "democracy" will use the public as a mob and how that use can be a powerful tool to maintain control of the people. The myth that the US is a "democracy" is the result of generations misguided by our public education system that seems more intent on creating new Democrat Party voters than in properly educating school children with the truth about our Constitutional Republic. The US is not a "democracy"; it is a "constitutional republic" and if we ever allow this nation to become a democracy, we will have rejected our Constitution at great peril to our nation.

The sad reality is that the Democrat Party has successfully been overtaken by very radical Leftists who are determined to destroy our Constitutional Republic, a system that reserves the greatest governing power to the smallest governing entities. Our Constitution guarantees to each state a republican form of government (not democracy). In order to achieve their dubious ends, the Democrat Party is committed to an unconstitutional course to bring about their authoritarian dictatorship.

We have a demented puppet for a President. That is clearly evident no matter how much Biden is drugged. His every action is choreographed by operatives in the White House who receive their instruction from Barack Obama and the DNC. Everything Biden does is in the hands of these mostly unknown people who live behind the scenes in virtual anonymity. The reality in Washington is far, far from that prescribed by our Constitution.

The 2024 election will be the pivotal election of this nation's history. We will either go forward renewing and strengthening our Constitutional Republic, or we will go down the sewer hole of an authoritarian dictatorship powered by the corrupt Democrat Party. The former path will lead to prosperity, opportunity, growth and a happy bright future for new generations. The latter path will condemn present and future generations to a dismal cesspool of authoritarian dictatorship run by people who haven't the common sense to run a successful hotdog stand, a condition that will lead to growing poverty with power and wealth being concentrated into fewer and fewer hands of those least qualified to hold power.

The solution is clear. Speak out. Make sure your local election officials are following the law and securing our elections. Urge all your friends to vote against the Democrat Party that thrives on lies, deceit, and national division.

This nation's future is at stake. We must do everything we can to not only assure that Donald Trump is elected President, but to also assure that the radical Democrat Party is rejected in every federal, state, and local election.

Make America Great Again! Make Donald Trump President Again!

Bob Webster
WEBCommentary (Editor, Publisher)

Biography - Bob Webster

Author of "Looking Out the Window", an evidence-based examination of the "climate change" issue, Bob Webster, is a 12th-generation descendent of both the Darte family (Connecticut, 1630s) and the Webster family (Massachusetts, 1630s). He is a descendant of Daniel Webster's father, Revolutionary War patriot Ebenezer Webster, who served with General Washington. Bob has always had a strong interest in early American history, our Constitution, U.S. politics, and law. Politically he is a constitutional republican with objectivist and libertarian roots. He has faith in the ultimate triumph of truth and reason over deception and emotion. He is a strong believer in our Constitution as written and views the abandonment of constitutional restraint by the regressive Progressive movement as a great danger to our Republic. His favorite novel is Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand and believes it should be required reading for all high school students so they can appreciate the cost of tolerating the growth of unconstitutional crushingly powerful central government. He strongly believes, as our Constitution enshrines, that the interests of the individual should be held superior to the interests of the state.

A lifelong interest in meteorology and climatology spurred his strong interest in science. Bob earned his degree in Mathematics at Virginia Tech, graduating in 1964.

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