WEBCommentary Guest

Author: Gerald V. Todd
Date:  September 22, 2023

Topic category:  Military/Defense

Alejandro Mayorkas and the Invasion
Fulfilling Obama's 2008 DNC promise of "a civilian force, equal to and as well-funded as the military."

The one that troubles me the most is Mayorkas. He always has an arrogant knowing smirk while testifying before Congress. Apparently, he knows better than us the Administration's plans for the invading hordes of military age illegals.

At the 2008 DNC, Barack Obama promised "a civilian force, equal to and as well-funded as the military." I've watched him and his cabal weaponize federal agencies and open the borders to military age males from all over the world. The flow is increasing to a crescendo.

Equipped with airline tickets to anywhere, paid for by the taxpayer, are they also carrying free cell phones with a special app to advise the time to obtain sufficient weapons to move in on small communities to face patriots with limited arms against the latest ordnance? General Milley's intentionally left $85 billion worth of modern arms as the military abandoned Afghanistan. Not to mention the Basram AFB. His excuse it was cheaper than removing them. Small insurgent teams could take over a town by knowing who to hit first.

Mayorkas seems to be the general, dispersing Obama's "civilian force", waiting to give the order to move. Of course, most of the illegals are seeking a better life, following the Obama-Biden cabal's lies. They too suffer rape, robbery, and murder along the route through the Darien Gap.

IMHO Mayorkas looks at the Congressional panels, smirks, and thinks to himself, "You have no idea..."

Gerald V. Todd

Biography - Gerald V. Todd

Jerry is a retired engineer with strong experience in environmental innovation which he still applies today with 2 clean water and energy saving technologies. His life avocation in writing and study of philosophical and biblical themes as they apply to the body politic's spiritual warfare. He survived stage 4 Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma in 2006; now in excellent health. A graduate of the University of Illinois (1958, Industrial Engineering), Jerry had post graduate studies at both the University of San Francisco and the University of Santa Clara in California between 1961 and 1963 (Logic, Marketing). As co Founder and seminar presenter he was awarded a Ph.D. in Philosophy at Valley Christian University operating under California private-post secondary statutes for mid career student, VCU was the pioneer external degree school for mid career students. Its course structures were picked up by several well known Christian colleges. Hosted local broadcast radio and TV shows, "Religion on the Line" and "The News Firm" (jointly with wife, Joanne), respectively. Jerry has published several books that are available at Amazon. Jerry is available to speak as a visiting lecturer at the high school, college or community organization level. Jerry is married 55 years to Joanne Dean Todd – 3 children, 8 grandchildren.

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